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  • Ep. 4.13 Releasing Hustle to Embrace Grace with Erin Harrigan

    April 11, 2023 15 min read

    Ep. 4.13 Releasing Hustle to Embrace Grace with Erin Harrigan - Pink Salt Riot

    This week on the AU podcast, we share our time with special guest Erin Harrigan. Erin is a women’s business coach who is all about releasing the hustle and embracing grace. Do you ever feel like your ambition is a burden rather than a blessing? Well, you’re in the right spot. God made you just as you are, even ambitious! And He has a lot to show you about why that’s good and how to use it well. Jill and Erin talk through this mind-shift and how it can set you free.

    Find out more about Erin here: https://erinharrigan.com

    Follow Erin on YouTube @ErinHarrigan

    Want to join Erin’s community? Do that on Facebook @TheHustleWithHeartCoach

    Finally, find Erin on Instagram @ErinDHarrigan


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    Hello, and welcome to today's episode
    of the Authentic Uprising podcast.
    I'm your host Jill Simons, and I'm
    so excited to grow in the radical
    art of standing in what God
    says about you with you today.
    The show is a place where we
    pour into the sense of who God
    is, who we are, and how we can
    live more in the freedom that he has for us every single day.
    Hello and welcome to the Authentic
    Uprising podcast.
    As always I'm your host,
    Jill Simons and, you know,
    that I just love spending
    Tuesdays with you.
    I hope you never get sick
    of hearing me say that.
    I am so excited for the conversation
    that I'm gonna have today.
    In the few minutes that I've
    been talking to Erin Harrigan
    before we have jumped on the call
    I just have like met the most
    kindred sister
    in Christ ever,
    and I know that we're both gonna
    just go crazy talking about
    this topic that we're
    super passionate about,
    which is really living in with
    an unleashed mentality identity
    where we're not looking to live
    under the tyranny of hustle really,
    We're gonna embrace the grace
    that God has for us.
    And so Erin that's gonna be having
    this conversation with me.
    Is a Christian
    business coach.
    She is an empty nester and just
    has a ton of wisdom to share
    with us today about where the Lord wants
    to invite us to direct our focus.
    So, Erin, thank you so much
    for being here with me today.
    I have to echo what you
    said a minute go Jill.
    Feel like we just met and yet,
    we're so on the same page.
    I love how God does that. It is
    an honor to be here. Yeah. Absolutely.
    So tell us how you got into this field
    of coaching Christian business women.
    Yeah. So I am a recovering driver,
    striver, and achievement chaser.
    So my whole life Was about tying
    my identity to the outcome,
    the progress, the promotion,
    the dollars, all the things.
    I was very driven And while I
    now have learned to embrace that
    God made me to be ambitious.
    I simply have to lean into him
    to direct that ambition. I spent
    twenty five years in corporate
    America and four years in
    a multi level marketing business
    where I was all about going
    and making it happen.
    Every every level every
    incentive all the things.
    Striving was what I like
    ate for breakfast.
    And in twenty fourteen, I hit
    a wall and I out to took a mentor
    because I woke up going
    like, I have success.
    Like the outward symbols of success,
    but I am so empty and unfulfilled.
    And I am constantly working
    and my business is stagnant,
    what is happening And that mentor
    who I fondly call the velvet
    hammer in my book "Pursuing Success
    God's Way," said two things to me.
    She said, I don't think you know
    who you are or whose you are?
    And she said do you have
    a relationship with Jesus?
    And quite honestly
    at the time,
    my relationship with Jesus was
    very much like this new world,
    new age universe, mash up. Law of
    attraction, all the the things.
    And I said, well, yeah. And she's
    like don't think you really
    know that Jesus gave his life
    for you that that he's your
    savior and he did
    not make you
    To live in this constant chaos and
    running and driving and striving.
    So October fourth of twenty fourteen,
    I gave my life to Christ.
    That completely
    changed everything.
    I like to say
    that Jesus said,
    why don't you let me drive for
    a while and you hold this map,
    which is the Bible. And then
    after he peeled away and still
    continues to prune
    some strongholds,
    He said now I want you to go share this
    with with my other ambitious daughters.
    Because I made them on
    purpose for a purpose.
    I made them with these gifts
    and these talents but they're
    killing themselves to to do this
    work and and earn the accolades
    and and follow the world's
    definition of of success,
    and that's not what I made them
    to do. And so that's what I did.
    In twenty eighteen I kicked
    off my coaching business,
    I launched my podcast
    in twenty nineteen,
    which is now called "Redefining Hustle,
    Pursuing Success as
    a Christian Woman".
    And I really love the opportunity
    to bring the Holy Spirit
    into coaching to guide these
    women in ways that they can be
    successful and have
    kingdom impact,
    they don't have to run themselves ragged
    doing it. So that's it in a nutshell.
    That is so beautiful. I think
    that that's so hearing the flesh
    version of your story. I'm like,
    this is why we're the same.
    Like, this is why we just clicked so
    instantly because that was very much
    My story also was just that, you
    know, life defined by hustle.
    And when I started. I had I had
    been a lifelong Christian.
    But had really just lived under
    that mindset of the older
    brother in the Prodigal Son where
    it was, you know, very much,
    like a servant or employee kind of
    mentality where it was just like,
    you know, what what do
    I have to do today?
    Like, yes, sir kind of not that we
    don't have the respect for God,
    but that we have that, like both
    our understanding of God as King,
    but also as Father. And that was like,
    the father's side of did like oh,
    well, you could have just
    asked me for what you needed
    Was just so missing from my story
    and I remember when I began
    really diving into my identity,
    saying to my husband, I just...
    I can't think of any other
    way to be a person.
    This felt so ingrained
    in who I was.
    And I'm sure that there are
    other women that come to you in
    coaching that feel similarly
    where it's just so baked into
    who they've been maybe
    their whole lives.
    And so how do you start
    unraveling that with women?
    And how how do they begin
    shifting in small ways to be able
    to make the big shift. Well, what
    I found over time that the Holy
    Spirit had given me this framework. I call
    it the four keys to redefine hustle.
    And and the reason
    that it's...
    I believe the reason that it's
    keys is because it's meant to
    unlock us and un us from
    overwhelm and over achievement.
    And you are so right with what you said,
    Jill like, it isn't right in us.
    It's... We eat breathe and
    sleep it. It's everywhere.
    If you start listening,
    you'll hear it everywhere.
    And in fact, There's now a pendulum
    swing to this idea of anti hustle,
    but for some of us
    ambitious women,
    were caught in the middle
    because we're like, well,
    but I kinda like my my pace, and anti
    hustle feels like kinda lazy to me.
    And that's probably
    a lie from the devil.
    But the point is that what
    the what the Holy Spirit gave me
    was this this idea
    of first defined.
    How are we defining And are
    we are we only anchoring our
    identity to the achievements
    to the roles, Right? Mom,
    Wife, sister, all of those things.
    And only god can define us.
    So that first key that I start with my
    clients is how are you defining success?
    How are you
    defining progress?
    Because if you've been
    successful to this point,
    which is most of my clients have
    been in in business for a while,
    clearly, the way you've defined
    it is not bringing you peace.
    So therefore, you you must be
    anchoring to something else, right,
    to the world's way of this.
    So we start with define and
    understanding that only God can
    define us only he has the authority
    to define us. And only he can
    define what he's made us to do
    and what success is supposed
    to look like for us,
    which is really about walking out his
    will. Right? We then shift to
    Okay. If we can understand that
    only God defines us then where
    should we be taking
    our direction from?
    I mean, he already knows the beginning
    and the end of our story.
    So therefore, where do we turn? We turned
    to him. He is our good good father.
    When we
    delight in him,
    he He puts desires in her hearts
    and then he directs our steps.
    So that direction piece is important
    because we've got to know that,
    yes, we have a responsibility
    to make plans.
    But we also have a responsibility to
    lay them at the foot of the cross.
    And let them be his. Right?
    That's that's the first...
    And And I that that those first
    two keys to me are really like,
    this is how we align to
    how God made us. Right?
    The second two keys are kind
    of how we apply that. Right?
    So the third key
    is discipline.
    And discipline is all about So if how do
    I take how god defines and directs me?
    And I put that into action because
    we do have to take action.
    Yes, there are times
    we are called to rest.
    I was working with
    a client yesterday.
    She said I have a real problem with rest
    because it feels like I'm being lazy.
    And I said, hold on. How are you defining
    rest? How is God directing your rest?
    Right? If we think of rest
    is pausing our brain,
    then maybe rest for you isn't
    lying down in the couch,
    but it's going for a walk or maybe
    it's working out or whatever
    that looks like. Right? We've got
    to have a discipline in place.
    And that discipline
    also includes...
    We've gotta to be talking to
    God all day long. Right.
    I mean, Jesus is
    our best friend.
    So he wants us to be in conversation
    and and we have to allow
    for space in our schedule
    to do that as well.
    And then the fourth key is developed.
    We have to allow God to prune us.
    We know it's painful. We
    know that he redirects us.
    We know as women as as believers
    and followers of Christ that
    we ultimately want him
    to rule our life.
    Sometimes we're a little afraid to
    let him do that we're thinking,
    what if he ends my plans?
    What if he redirects me?
    And that development piece is all about
    the ongoing pruning that happens.
    Sanctification is not a one time
    thing, and it's not a checklist.
    That's what my mentor
    had to teach me.
    So therefore, we have to be open to his
    molding and his development of us.
    And so I utilize those four
    keys in helping my clients to
    understand that God's grace is
    here for you. You can't...
    You know, it's already there. So all
    you can do is step away from it.
    He is un changing regardless of the swirl
    of what's happening in your life.
    So how about let's hold on and
    anchor ourselves to him and
    that allows us to work from a place
    of, you know, glorifying him.
    It allows us to work from a place
    of clarity and and serenity
    and calm because we know that
    ultimately, it's his way. Right?
    So. Yeah. That's beautiful. I
    love all of those keys where I
    am in what I would call like,
    a hardcore pruning season where
    there's been so much beautiful
    growth and now it only...
    It only feels more comfortable if I
    overlay it with like, my parenting.
    So right now, my children are eight to
    six months old, And I think about well,
    you know, the eight year old has
    a lot more responsibilities,
    a lot more things that he's
    supposed to be bringing to the table
    old than the six month old, and
    I lived so much of my life.
    I kind of the six month old stage
    with God where he was really,
    like having to spoon feed me
    pull me along, you know.
    And now that we've had this beautiful
    deepening in our relationship,
    there's a lot more things that he's
    asking me to be disciplined about,
    like you were sharing. And I
    was I like to pray when I have
    my prayer time by writing the back
    and forth between God and I.
    And so I was journaling and about
    my business and and something
    that was a stressor in it and he's
    like, why don't you let me do it?
    And I try and be very just transparent
    honest with God when I'm praying,
    I was like, that
    feels really risky.
    And God was like, why
    does that feel risky?
    You know, is there something you
    think you can do that I can't do?
    And God was and I was like, well, I
    could, you know, run an ads campaign,
    etcetera, etcetera, and God was literally,
    like, how's that going for you?
    Yeah. I was like... Okay. Fair.
    Guys enough. It's not going well.
    But totally. You know, I say
    to my client very often.
    I'm not a marketing expert, and I
    have a coach that that I work with.
    Right? That no marketing plan
    can outdo God. Like, honestly.
    If God wants to put you in front
    of people, he's going to do that.
    That doesn't absolve us
    from responsibility.
    You know, the the Holy Spirit equips and
    qualifies us. But we also can't sit back.
    I think Christine Cain said
    something like this.
    Like, we can't just sit
    back and be like, alright.
    I'm a sit back and eat bonbons and you're gonna
    take care of it. No.
    Now we have to put, our feet in action.
    Like, that's how we walk out our faith.
    Right? So, yes, We have to
    do things. But it's so...
    I love love what you said about
    being transparent with God
    because I'm like I think about that
    a lot. Like he already knows anyway.
    So... Right? Yeah. Yeah. And my
    my six month old actually just
    pulled off my
    necklace last night.
    I've been wearing every day like
    day and night for over a year.
    So he finally, like, after his
    thousandth poll on it, got the chain,
    but it always... The one I always
    wear says be real with Jesus.
    And on the back of it, says,
    you're never too anything for him.
    And making that something that
    I wired in my brain on a daily
    basis has been life changing because I
    don't shy away from those things now.
    Just like, God I'm annoyed with
    you. God, I'm this and that.
    And because ultimately, if it's
    something that brings us to him,
    then it's a positive thing. If it's
    something that we hold away from him,
    then that's when it becomes
    a negative thing, but to...
    But to have those feelings and
    reactions, is kind of neutral.
    It's like a human response
    to stimuli. Yeah.
    And when we bring that into
    submission of our relationship,
    he can really shape that in in a into
    something that brings us to him.
    Mh. He redeems it all. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
    And so I I love to hear about...
    And even if you have like,
    an example of a client or something
    that you wanna share, but but
    what is kind of the before and
    after look like for people who are
    ambitious, successful, high paced.
    And is it necessarily
    where, like,
    the outside looks different
    before or after or is the majority
    of the change you see internal
    or kind of what does that look
    like for people who go from hustle
    mentality to more of a grace-filled mentality.
    So from
    my perspective,
    what I often see is these women
    come to me and they hire me
    because They know they want
    to do business God's way.
    They know that they haven't been
    fulfilled doing it on their own.
    And at the same time, it's sort
    of been ingrained in them that, like,
    faith in business are like church and
    state. Right? They don't they don't mix.
    And the challenge that they face
    is I have a faith community.
    that doesn't understand what it
    means to be a business owner.
    And I have a business tribe
    who doesn't understand what it
    means I'm gonna go
    pray about it. Right?
    So what I see them come to me with
    is overwhelmed. They've had...
    Like I mentioned earlier,
    they've had some level of success,
    but they're kind of questioning,
    like, was it worth it?
    Like, what did it cost me to
    gain that success? Right?
    I mean, paraphrasing scripture. Like,
    what will it cost you to gain the world?
    Right? What I see start to happen
    is they begin to understand
    that letting God lead them
    doesn't mean that they can't do
    the work because many of us
    ambitious, high-achieving women,
    like we thrive on
    the work. Right?
    But is there a way to work that
    is more intentional that is
    more purposeful that is
    really what I call emulating Jesus.
    So the word hustle is not in the Bible.
    I wanna be clear about that.
    Nowhere in the Bible doesn't
    say that Jesus hustled. But if we
    look at Jesus life, and I think I read
    this in a book by Melinda Fuller,
    which I think is called "Obedience
    Over Hustle" or she had a Bible
    plan on you version. If we look
    at How jesus worked, number one,
    he worked with small groups,
    he worked with large groups.
    He was pretty much all
    over the place. Right?
    But he was steadfast
    in his mission.
    Number two, every word he spoke,
    every interaction he had was
    intentional and purposeful. Number three,
    he worked with a sense of urgency,
    not a sense of busy,
    not a sense of hurry.
    But what I mean is he knew he
    had a short period of time. Three
    years as far as we know. Right? So
    therefore, he had to be very focused.
    So focused in fact that
    what did they do?
    He very often left the disciples
    and went off and prayed why?
    Because he was was always seeking
    his father's instructions.
    And and it may seem strange that he would
    do that because he is God incarnate.
    And yet, he sought his
    father's instruction.
    So if we look at a definition of hustle,
    like really in the dictionary,
    we have been taught and ingrained
    that it's very much this
    negative, aggressive,
    frantic pace.
    But really, there are some of
    the first definitions are about
    working with intention and purpose
    and a sense of urgency that
    kinda sounds like Jesus. So when
    I see women come to me it is
    both an internal and
    an external change.
    The internal changes is sense of relief.
    Don't have to do this by myself.
    I wasn't made to
    do it by myself.
    My business is a way that I
    administer the gifts and talents
    that God has given me. So I
    need to let him lead me.
    So there's this internal view
    of their work being more
    intentional on
    and purposeful,
    very often their are things that they
    need to let go of and their work,
    maybe different services,
    products or time,
    and things that they need to
    incorporate more because I feel
    like when God gets
    a hold of your time,
    you are so much more productive
    because you're doing it his way.
    Right? So I see that internal
    change, how they're viewing work.
    How how they seem relieved and calmer
    and even when they have challenge.
    They're taking
    it to the Lord,
    and then and and even we're working through
    that and and really understanding,
    what is God
    strategy for this?
    But the external, the outside
    that happens is that I don't I
    I am not in for law attraction.
    So I wanna be clear about that.
    What I do though is, when
    we get out of God's way,
    and allow him margin that he will bring
    us into situations, opportunities,
    intersections with people,
    that we are that he is already
    aligned to us for the work
    that we have to do.
    Maybe it's just the right client
    or just the right podcast or
    just the right group. So that external
    change that I see is they...
    They're they're showing up more calmly.
    They're showing up more joyfully.
    They're enjoying your business
    at a different level,
    which then that
    they'll say to me.
    You're not gonna believe this
    conversation I had today or
    remember that client that that left,
    well now they wanna come back.
    They're making decisions
    differently in their business.
    They're showing up differently
    in their business.
    Those are the internal and
    external changes that I see when
    we allow him to show us
    how to emulate Jesus.
    And that's why I think that
    hustle gets a little bit of a bad
    rap because we've embrace
    the world's definition of it.
    If we look at it,
    the way Jesus worked,
    then we can be okay with being
    ambitious and doing that work.
    But doing it from a posture of
    how do I mimic you, Jesus?
    How do I show up like you? And
    that difference has a ripple
    effect kingdom impact. Yeah.
    I have seen that so much in my
    own life is that it's
    not necessarily...
    I guess the change is that
    every time I'm, like,
    get to a point of
    frustration with something.
    I'm just like, Lord, what the heck am
    I supposed to do? And he was like,
    ask me about it a week ago is
    what you're supposed to do.
    You let it go too far. And now we
    gotta like triage the situation,
    Which he will and
    he'll walk it with us.
    But, you know, that
    model of Jesus,
    like you're talking about where it's
    just the constancy of the conversation,
    and so much of that flows from
    the overarching awareness of who we are.
    And if we don't have that sense
    of my primary self identification
    is in relationship to God,
    then we have any, you know,
    the best identity in the world, I'm
    a mom of beautiful children.
    I'm a wife of a faithful husband,
    whatever the situation is,
    it is still going to leave us
    feeling like being that mom or
    being that wife is on us as opposed
    to being under him in our identity,
    where that really frees us from
    that where we're able to self-define
    as someone who was responsive
    versus initiatory. Yes. So so much.
    Yeah. When we allow him the space,
    you know God can do anything.
    I mean, he can. Right? He can
    move mountains, and he will.
    We've all experienced that.
    To show us his will.
    But man, when we are
    working in lockstep with him.
    You know, we we are so blessed to be
    chosen. He doesn't have to involve us.
    Like, the fact that he chooses
    us to be his co-laborers that
    he chooses us for a mission
    in the marketplace.
    I mean, my goodness, when you
    think about it that way,
    it's like this incredible, like, honor.
    So how do I get out of your way Lord?
    And I love what you said
    that he will triage it.
    But but what if we came to him
    earlier in that process...
    And at the same time he
    he's such a loving father.
    That he already knows that we're
    going to have those moments.
    And he he gives us so much grace in that.
    Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely Absolutely.
    Well I feel like we
    could go all day, Erin,
    but it's been such such a joy
    to have you on the podcast.
    If you had to leave women who are
    really feeling like performance
    is so ingrained in them with
    kind of a parting shot.
    Place to start, what
    would you say to them?
    I would say go read
    about Paul in Acts.
    Because here's Saul,
    Right? Ambitious,
    doing what what he
    knows he's made to do.
    Like, he's good at it, persecuting these
    these Christians. Right?
    And yet he meets Jesus on the road to
    Damascus, and Jesus changes everything.
    When Jesus steps in everything
    changes and the beauty is you
    can have that
    every single day.
    All you gotta do is say, I'm yours
    Lord send me. Right?? Go read that.
    Don't under underestimate
    or or don't.
    Don't be afraid to embrace that
    the Lord made you ambitious.
    And have that that
    back and forth,
    I love what you said you that back
    and forth conversation with him.
    Like, lord, I know you made me
    ambitious I don't wanna wish it away.
    Like, you gave me this gift,
    Please show me how to use it.
    Please show me how to
    use these tools. Right?
    Please show me how to show
    up for you in my ambition,
    direct my ambition like you did
    for Paul because that's to me,
    is this the perfect example of
    what does it mean when Jesus
    gets a hold of you and
    redirects your ambition.
    Start there, start there. Ask
    the Lord to show you what to do
    with your ambition. One of my
    favorite scriptures is is
    Psalm 25:4-5
    Show me your ways that
    lord teach me your past,
    leave me in your
    truth and teach me.
    I can tell you behind me, I
    very often am found face down
    on the floor praying that. That's
    what I would encourage them to do.
    I love that so much. Yeah.
    In the other aspect of Paul
    I love is how much he's able to go on
    his mission and be like you guys,
    if me then all of you. Like,
    there is no way that you're more
    far gone than I was, and I
    think that so often.
    As I minister to
    people as well.
    And like, you guys, you don't
    have anything worry about.
    Like, we've... I I have done it. And I
    know that God is still there at the end.
    Yeah. So good. Awesome. Well,
    we put links to where you can
    hook up with Erin online where you
    can follow her on social media.
    And if interested in her coaching
    where you can find out more
    about that as well
    as her podcast.
    And I just hope that you all have the best
    day. Thanks for being with me Erin.
    Thank you. Thank you so much for
    joining me on today's episode
    of the Authentic Uprising podcast.
    It is always a joy to be with you.
    I encourage you to
    subscribe to our podcast.
    Subscribe to our
    Youtube channel,
    whichever place you most prefer or do it
    all if that is what floats your boat.
    We would love to continue to get
    to know you better and grow
    relationship with you And so
    I encourage you to check out
    the links in both our show notes
    and Youtube description that
    tell you more about where you
    can connect with us elsewhere.
    The two big things we have
    going on besides the podcast is
    our shop that is full of
    reminders of who you are in God,
    helping you to really grow in
    that radical art of standing in who
    you are and giving gifts that
    help others to do the same.
    The other big thing we have going
    on is the Uprising Academy.
    This is all of our formation
    programs, workshops, retreats,
    everything is available virtually
    and on demand where you can
    sign up and continue to learn
    more about radically standing
    in what God says about you,
    especially if you are in a place
    in your life where you are not
    being fed the way that you long
    to be fed. Whether it's in your community,
    whether it's at your church,
    whatever it is there is more for
    you and we can absolutely walk
    with you into it through
    the Uprising Academy.
    All those links are
    in our show notes.
    And if you enjoyed this episode, I
    encourage you to leave a review.
    Reviews are the number one way that
    we help get in front of new faces.
    New people that are able to
    be touched by the radical art of
    standing in what God says about us.
    I love you. I'm praying for you.
    I hope you have
    an amazing week.

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