We are a collective of Christian women that have come together to support each other and stand shoulder to shoulder in the truth of what God says - about Himself & us.
We believe in and pursue the freedom Christ came to bring us (Galatians 5:1) by hiding the truths of Scripture in our hearts and filling our lives with concrete reminders of that truth.
We believe every woman is on mission - being an emissary of Christ to a world that has all but forgotten Him.
We want to equip you for that mission by speaking consistently to the truth of who you are and who God is.
We help you take your conviction and your unique gifts out of church on Sunday and into your messy, miraculous Monday mission field.
When our founder, Jill Simons, found out she was expecting a girl she realized how profound that responsibility was - that her daughter was going to learn how to be a woman from her.
Inspired and daunted by the task of forming a precious baby girl into a holy, brave woman, Jill began creating declaration jewelry and gifts that would remind her and other women of what was really true about them - from the hidden years of babyhood to the new adventures of school, careers, travel, and mission.
The Holy Spirit called Jill to step into a different area of ministry which meant Pink Salt Riot would need new ownership. Our owner, Ashley David, learned of this news and at the encouragement of her husband and six children (and LOTS of time spent in prayer), she stepped out in faith to lead Pink Salt Riot. She is passionate about bringing Jesus to everyone she meets.
Lies keep you stuck, hidden, and playing small - never even attempting to flourish into the women God made you to be.
The truth, on the other hand, sets you free.
The truth empowers you to be brave, humble, and trusting - knowing that God is good, faithful, and trustworthy and that you are made in His image, greatly loved by Him, and - maybe most freeing of all - that everything doesn't depend on you.
You are a unique and wonderful creation of God. You have gifts to give that are unique to you.
If lies win and you don't show up to your life with everything God wants to give you, you're not the only who loses.
Everyone else does, too.
We want to help you build your foundation on Jesus and His truth so that nothing in life can knock you down - especially not Satan's lies.