TruthBands Together Women's Bracelet Two Pack

#TruthBandsTogether is a monthly membership that sends you two elastic bracelets each month - one to keep and one to give - each with a hidden daily declaration that helps... Read Full Details

Customer Reviews

Based on 16 reviews
Right message at the right time

I always love the adventure of opening up my new month's truth bands... what goodness does God want to share now? This month's was a powerful confirmation of His Presence, power and love for 'my people!' I needed that and have already shared it with a friend who needed it too!

Janet Loop

It is a great way to keep God and Jesus in my mind throughout the day.
I read the inscription on the band and give thanks to God.

Lineeka Thompson
Love this bracelet

I received this bracelet at the right time. I love it and as a reminder to me I can always look at words when I am feeling discouraged.

Sharon Felten
My Inspiration

Thank you for creating such a beautiful and awe inspiring bracelet!! I have now 3 of them, I pick one each day to wear as to what I am asking God’s help in for the day. One of them was about sharing your gifts, I was headed to a meeting that I was a bit on edge about, but when I would look down at my wrist, It was just a gentle reminder of “you’ve got this”, I share the other bracelets (as you get 2 to a card) with my daughters and I pray that it will will bring the same peace to them. I so look forward to each month with what new inspiration is there to help me :) Much Love, Sharon Felten

Summer Raaine Fox

These bracelets had sayings that I NEEDED at the EXACT time I needed them!! I know that was God! I love these TruthBands because that's exactly what they are!
