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In a nutshell: pink is the historical color in the Christian community for joy, the Gospel of Matthew calls us to be the “salt of the earth“ and we are specifically empowered to be joyful salt through community which allows us to rise up and change (hence “Riot”).
My name is Ashley David and I am a daughter of God first and foremost, wife, and mother to six children here on earth and one in heaven. I live in Lafayette, Louisiana with my family and have a great joy of running this company.
When I think about who I am, I know that I have always been a Christian and I’ve always been a lover of beauty. At the end of the day when I’m alone with myself I think that’s the core of who I am: one of God's little ones that He created to specifically bring beauty into the world because, as we know, He’s all about beauty.
My artistic style has evolved over the years, as has the message that I feel like God is calling me to share with you. But right now, beyond a shadow of a doubt, I know the cry from the heart of the Father is for a generation of women - for ALL women - to step into all that it means to truly be his daughters.
Therefore, that is my mission. I want to empower you to live out of your daughterhood first and foremost - a place marked by receptivity and trust instead of protecting and performing.
I want to help you stop showing off and start showing up. I want to take a sledgehammer to every single one of the lies that you’ve let worm its way into your mind and your soul that’s eating away at everything that God wishes that you believed about yourself. I want to empower you to be free – actually free. Free not of boundaries or faith like the world might try and sell you, but free inside yourself to be who you were created to be without getting in your own way.
And then layered together with that is my great desire for Christian unity, formed after the heart of Jesus Christ in the garden of Gethsemane when he prayed - pleaded!- with the Father that we as His church might be one. I firmly believe that all people that know and love Jesus are called to be allies and friends because our dearest friend is the same.
Though we may have many differences of opinion about not insignificant matters of faith, I desire to create a place where everyone that would stake their life on the Apostles Creed can come together, join arms, and storm the gates of hell together.
So that’s me, and that’s what we really do. We live out of the somehow both dual and united hearts of the Father for his daughters and Christ for unity of His church which is so fittingly encapsulated in the art that we create inspired by the Holy Spirit, just as the Holy Spirit is the fruit of the outpouring of love between the Father and the Son.
And, if you couldn’t tell, I like to get philosophical. Things with me are often half an inch wide and approximately 437 miles deep.
I am delighted that you have ended up here and that you are interested in entering into this mission alongside us. Whether you ever buy anything from us or not, my desire to serve you remains the same.
I want you to know that you are loved, not in a pithy, Hobby Lobby plaque kind of way, but in a way that rewrites the very core of who you are. I want you to know that love and how perfect it is because that is ultimately what casts out fear. God still loves us when we’re afraid, but what changes when we leave fear behind is that we come into agreement with the very Word of God – that we are greatly loved by a Father who sent His only Son to save us.
I also want you to know you don’t have to do anything. Jesus was recommended to the world as God's “beloved Son in whom I am well pleased” before he had ever made any public sign of his identity. You don't have to make something amazing happen to be God's beloved daughter.
I hope you'll hang around and shop for awhile, read our blogs, listen to our podcast. We'd love to have you join the family.
We do this through educational resources that help shine a spotlight on the lies we are believing and what God wants for us instead, and lifestyle products that come alongside the women we serve to make the truth incarnate in their daily lives.