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  • Ep. 4.24 Grace for the Process with Beth McGrane Tran

    June 27, 2023 12 min read

    Ep. 4.24 Grace for the Process with Beth McGrane Tran - Pink Salt Riot

    On the AU podcast this week, we’re talking about grace for the process, how to get through the big and small changes God is calling to you in your life. We talk with coach Beth McGrane Tran about what that looks like, what she offers to help, and how you can invite grace into your own life.

    6:34-7:00 God’s grace in the moment

    8:25-9:05 Hold up who you think you are to the truth

    14:23-15:54 Take your thoughts captive

    For more on Beth McGrane Tran, what she does, and her ebook, check out https://Womencreatedandcalled.com

    Find Beth on Instagram and Facebook @WomenCreatedAndCalled

    Want free resources to help you build your Christian identity? https://pinksaltriot.com/pages/free-resource-to-build-your-christian-identity

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    Hello and welcome to today's episode
    of the Authentic Uprising podcast.
    I'm your host Jill Simons, and I'm so
    excited to grow in the radical art
    of standing in what God says
    about you with you today.
    The show is a place where we
    pour into the sense of who God is,
    who we are, and how we can live
    more in the freedom that he
    has for us every
    single day.
    Hello and welcome to the Authentic Uprising
    podcast. As always I'm your host,
    Jill Simons, and I'm so excited
    to be here with you today.
    And we're gonna be talking about
    really giving ourselves grace
    to go through processes
    to be in progress.
    And that's something that
    I am notoriously bad at,
    I really dislike the fact
    that you don't just get,
    like warped from point
    a to point b,
    So this is a topic that I
    love having other people come
    in and speak into me on as
    well as sharing it with you.
    So I'm very excited to
    have my guest today.
    Her name is Beth McGrane Tran, and
    she is a coach and helps walk
    with people through different
    scenarios in their lives where
    they're looking to really approach
    their life with a better mindset.
    So I'm so excited to have Beth here with
    me today. Beth, thanks for joining me.
    Thank you, Jill. I am
    so excited to be here.
    First time I've had a chance
    to meet you face to face even
    though I've seen you around for so long.
    So thank you so much for having me.
    My pleasure. Why don't you
    share with us about the...
    The kind of very specific
    situations that you coach in and
    how you got started doing that.
    It's such a great story.
    I really love to coach women. And usually,
    they are Catholic working moms.
    And I got started in this because
    I was seeing in my own life
    that I was becoming
    I just have these
    patterns, you know,
    that we all have of procrastination
    and perfectionism and all
    of these different
    things that come up.
    But I also saw that in my family, I
    was kind of disconnecting from them.
    And that was actually the big
    driver to drive me into this
    world of coaching. I started to
    receive coaching and leadership
    training and had a taste of
    coaching and I just loved it.
    And I thought, oh, this is fantastic. I
    can help people so much through this.
    And it has changed things in my
    family because I have learned
    now that if I want a more connected
    family, that's up to me.
    It's up to me to create
    those opportunities.
    And the whole thing that you
    hear a lot in coaching is to be
    detached from the results. And
    I have discovered that that is
    so important when it comes to wanting
    to make change in your families.
    I have to just keep doing it
    out of pure love unattached
    from how it's gonna turn out.
    And that's what Jesus taught us.
    Right? That's unconditional
    love. There's no condition on it.
    So that's kind of
    how I got started.
    And I especially love to
    work with women who oh,
    they line up so much with my
    own story who struggle with
    procrastination because I think it's
    something that a lot of us deal with.
    And I've just discovered these
    coaching tools that I have been
    able to learn can help
    so much with that.
    And it's so important that we know
    that we have the grace available.
    So we're gonna be talking about that
    today. I think. Yeah. Absolutely.
    Because I think that and framing
    it with that, you know,
    having to do the same things in
    your family over and over again
    and and being detached from
    what physically happens
    is where so many people
    get derailed. Right?
    That's where people fall off the diet.
    That's where people fall off
    the exercise plan
    because you can't
    see my muscles after we've been doing
    this and, you know, it's just...
    It's... We live in such an immediate
    gratification the world
    and culture and I think that
    is so exacerbated obviously by
    having all of the information in
    the world literally at our fingertips,
    all of the time. And, you know, I was
    even just thinking the other day about,
    like, in the nineteen eighties when you
    needed to, like, hire a contractor.
    Like, how did you know if
    they were good or not?
    And I was just like, I I can't
    even like.. Word of mouth? Yeah. Exactly.
    You just kinda hope you got good friends
    with the taste or something because...
    You I mean it was like, the yellow
    pages was what you had and
    that was kind of it. And so this
    inundation with everything you could want,
    it seems like at your fingertips it
    kind of begs the question like,
    if you can, should you, you know, if
    you can access everything should you?
    Because it really lessens our appetite
    for these longer processes.
    And so whatever that
    process is... Some...
    That somebody's
    going through,
    whether you're trying to make
    a change in your family or make
    a physical change in your body or make
    a spiritual change in your life.
    There's a usually longer than we
    want road from point a to point b.
    And so how do you help people
    walk through sustaining that
    specifically when they're maybe not
    seeing the results that they want.
    Yeah. Oh, that is so true that
    we we want it to be done now.
    Right? And and the patience and
    the other virtue that we get
    to practice along the way
    can be really difficult.
    But I always try to
    remind myself. Okay,
    there is something here in
    this struggle that is for me.
    And so whatever
    the struggle is,
    I have to know first that God's
    grace is in this moment.
    God's grace is in the struggle.
    I just need to have...
    I don't know, like,
    like, the glasses on.
    You know, the the glasses is
    on to be looking through that
    lens so that I can find it. I
    need to be looking for his God's
    grace in all of it. And so that's
    a big piece of it is to know
    that there's something
    here for me.
    And so it kind of helped with having
    that patience with yourself,
    maybe with your loved ones who
    you wish that they were further
    along on their journey or
    whatever they are going through.
    So that's a big
    piece of it.
    And then also, I do a lot of
    work with mindset tools.
    And so it really comes back to how we
    are thinking about the circumstances
    that we're in. And I've discovered
    or realized really was just there
    to be discovered. But If everything
    comes back to our thoughts,
    then wouldn't it be best to
    make sure that we are putting
    the best thought in that place and
    then getting the best, you know,
    That's how we can get
    the best results.
    So where did the best thoughts come
    from? Truth? Who's the truth?
    Jesus is the truth. Right? So I
    love to help women go back to
    What are you thinking about who you
    are? What are you currently thinking?
    And then let's hold
    that up to truth.
    Let's look at what are you
    currently thinking about God also.
    And then what do you... What
    does God say about you?
    Because that's where
    the truth is.
    And if we can put
    those thoughts in,
    then we will come out
    with a better result.
    Of course, those thoughts
    that are full of truth help us
    have patience and help us see
    the grace along the way. Yeah.
    Absolutely. It's funny as you're
    talking, I think about, you know,
    the kind of stereotypical
    like, praying for patience ,
    and then you have
    opportunities. Oh, yeah.
    And you're like why this how this
    happens. Like, this is very
    frustrating reality.
    Thank you, Lord.
    I I needed this because I
    don't have the patience.
    Be careful of what you pray for.
    Exactly, exactly because...
    And and like you said,
    that thought stewardship.
    I think is something that is a new
    frontier for a lot of people
    where there's that idea, you know,
    so many of us have lived by default,
    especially in our thought
    lives for a long time.
    And there might have been like
    a stewardship of our external actions,
    maybe based on, you know, religious
    practices or being interested in,
    you know, abstaining from sin or or
    consciously embracing the good.
    But I think that that earlier
    stage of the process,
    a lot of times doesn't
    get steward well.
    And so then the output comes from
    a place of a lot of striving,
    like you're talking
    about you know,
    trying to just do it out of not
    having the internal thought
    motivation to kind of
    like, support that.
    And so you know, this is
    something that's very integral to
    coaching kind of across the board is how
    do we become aware of our thoughts.
    So let's maybe start there.
    If people are not sure if...
    Or or maybe don't even really
    have a sense of what is going
    on in their own thought life.
    I love what you're saying about
    how it causes a lot of striving.
    And I always think about what Saint Paul
    said in Romans seven I believe it is.
    Is that, you know, I... Why is it that
    I do the things that I don't wanna do.
    And I always identified so
    much with Saint Paul when he was
    saying that because that is what I
    saw happening in my own life,
    and it's so frustrating. You see
    yourself spinning And as much as I try,
    it never seems to be enough.
    And maybe I might try something
    new when maybe I'll stick with it for
    a week and then I I don't keep going.
    And so I I've gotten to
    the point where I'm like, okay,
    that's great if I identify
    with Saint Paul.
    But there must be something
    to do about it. Right?
    And that's why I'm so excited
    to find the work in coaching
    that we really can do something about
    it if we go back to our thoughts.
    Because we can't change the doing until
    we change the thoughts behind it.
    Yeah. Absolutely. Well, and it's funny
    because you mentioned Saint Paul,
    and that's actually so Roman seven
    he has, you know, that I...
    He does what he
    doesn't wanna do.
    And then he gives us the answer
    in Romans twelve when he says,
    you know, we are transformed
    essentially by the renewing of our
    mind including this. And it's
    funny because I think that that's
    something that gets read, like, a lot of
    the Bible gets read where you're like,
    okay. Yes. And
    that's... And...
    But very little actual
    connection with, like, okay.
    What would that actually look like
    if you did what he was saying?
    Exactly. Happened. Right. Right.
    Exactly. Yeah. And that's that's...
    This is what it looks like is to
    take those thoughts captive.
    Yep. Oh, I think you were just
    asking about how do we do that?
    Yes. Yes. So really, as you as you begin
    to kind of expose people to this work,
    especially new
    clients that have...
    Maybe never gone through
    anything like coaching before,
    what is kind of the beginning
    stages of building that awareness
    of what is even going on in
    your thought life? Yeah.
    I think first, it starts with
    helping them realize that it is
    the thoughts behind the actions
    that are driving their result.
    You know, it's the thoughts
    are driving the actions.
    And then to give them hope
    because most of us don't realize
    that you actually can
    choose your thoughts.
    And not only, can you choose them?
    Now I have heard... I'm sorry.
    I'm I have to digress
    here for a quick second.
    When I very, very first
    heard of coaching,
    I heard people speaking against
    it because of the idea that
    you can choose your thoughts.
    And their premise was,
    You can't choose your thoughts.
    They just come in all the time.
    You have all of these
    thoughts all the...
    You know, all day long, and you
    certainly don't choose many of them.
    That's true. The our brain offers
    us thoughts all day long.
    But the key is which ones am
    I going to actually capture,
    which ones am I
    going to focus on.
    And if there's one that
    is causing you know,
    keep coming up and is causing me to act
    in a way that I don't want to act,
    then let's take that captive and
    examine it and hold it up to truth.
    And so that is that's one way to
    talk about how mindset coaching
    can help And yes, it goes back to
    helping people see that it's possible.
    And giving them
    hope. Yeah. Yeah.
    You don't like these actions that
    you're seeing in your life.
    Well, it's possible to get to... I talk
    a lot about getting to the root of it.
    What is at the root
    of that action.
    Let's uproot it if we don't
    want it anymore because you can
    choose something
    different. Yeah.
    Our free will is an amazing gift
    that God has given us. Yes.
    Absolutely. I love
    that. Like, when...
    We actually have a charm coming out
    this spring that is one that I wear...
    Almost all the time now. And it... On
    the front, it says protect your hope.
    And on the back it says, it can't
    be taken only given away and,
    like, how we really... That is something
    that, like, is ours to claim,
    you know, from the... Palace to
    the concentration camp, you know,
    this is something that is available
    for us if we avail ourselves of it,
    and that is so much of what we
    see in the grace that God has
    for the process of
    things where when...
    And you said much earlier
    about, you know,
    kind of of identifying the fact
    just that there is something
    that is for my
    good in this,
    even when we have maybe a long unawareness
    of what that is. We had a very...
    I have a special needs child and we
    had an entire year just catastrophe,
    educational experience. And
    during it, I was like, okay.
    There's something good for all of us
    in this. Nobody knows what it is.
    It's like we have
    absolutely no idea.
    And still, I don't I don't know
    if I could point to, like, oh,
    specific fruit.
    Here's what it was.
    But that hope that there is
    something in that and that that
    is in some way formative
    whether I realize it or not,
    is part of what allows us to
    desire to grow in virtue,
    I think, and desire to
    cooperate with grace.
    And I love that, you know,
    through God's grace,
    he gives us these virtues
    of faith, hope, and love.
    And I was just this
    is so timely.
    I was just talking to my fourth
    grade religious ed class last Sunday.
    Said, okay. Here's
    a little quiz for you.
    Faith, hope, and love,
    these three virtues.
    Two of them will not be present
    in heaven. Which two are they?
    And these... They got it. They figured
    it out. I was so proud of them.
    So If you've never heard that before,
    you know, the Corinthians verse,
    hope... Excuse me. Love is
    eternal. Only love remains.
    Because when you're in heaven, you're already
    there, you don't need hope anymore.
    And you don't need faith anymore
    because faith is believing
    in what you have not seen, and you're
    already there seeing the beatific vision,
    and so you don't
    need faith anymore.
    But what a gift God has given
    us to give us the grace to have
    these virtues for the journey
    because like you're saying,
    that is something that cannot be taken
    away from us. It can only be given away.
    That's a great way to way to put
    it. I love that. Yeah. Yeah.
    Because that free will gets
    underestimated so often,
    especially how we are in these cycles.
    Like you're talking about, where it's
    like, like, I even want to do this?
    And I am not doing it. Like,
    why is this the case. And so it
    can feel like we don't really have,
    like, the full powers of our free will.
    Yeah. And that's really interesting
    when you talk about not
    having the full power because
    that's one thing about grace is
    that we actually need to be predisposed,
    be prepared to receive it.
    But how do we do that? Because
    there are things in our life
    that can make it difficult for
    us to receive that grace.
    And it's not something that God
    has done. He is freely giving it.
    Right? But it's what we do. Our
    own sin makes so that we are
    not prepared to
    receive that grace.
    And so if we want to have
    that grace available to us
    in every moment of every
    day, it is available.
    But in order to be
    able to receive it
    and be prepared, we need to be
    aware of our own sin and to be
    reconciled to God so that we're
    open to receiving that grace. Yeah.
    Absolutely. So if you had to give
    people, like a parting shot,
    like, this is something to focus
    on as they maybe are walking
    through a challenging process or
    undertaking going through a new process,
    What would you give them as kind of
    an admonishment to focus on?
    Go back to your identity,
    who you really are.
    Who God is and how are
    you trusting him?
    And even especially
    in the the moment,
    of every day because that grace is
    available to you in every moment.
    And you just gotta have that lens
    on to look for it. Absolutely.
    Absolutely. Well, thank you so much,
    Beth for being with us today.
    If people want to connect with you
    online, we're gonna put some links.
    In our show notes and in
    the notes on Youtube.
    But why don't you share with
    us what you have available,
    especially about people
    dealing with fear. Yes.
    I have an ebook that I created
    a little while ago that is a guide
    to over coming fear. And it kind of
    takes you through step by step.
    And I think it might be really
    helpful because fear is one of
    those things that hold us back
    from doing god's will. Big time.
    And like I said, I coach people
    in procrastination and
    fear is a huge thing that is at
    the root of procrastination very often.
    So I hope that that's
    helpful for your listeners.
    And yes, we'll make sure and have
    the link in the show notes.
    And you can also find
    me on Instagram.
    And Facebook at women created and
    called. Fantastic. Well, thank you.
    Here with us this week and thank
    you, Beth. Thank you, Jill.
    Thank you so much for joining
    me on today's episode of the
    Authentic Uprising podcast. It
    is always a joy to be with you.
    I encourage you to subscribe to our podcast,
    subscribe to our Youtube channel,
    whichever place, you most
    prefer or do it all
    if that is what
    floats your boat.
    We would love to continue to get
    to know you better and grow in
    relationship with you. And so
    I encourage you to check out
    the links in both our show notes
    and Youtube description that
    tell you more about where you
    can connect with us elsewhere.
    The two big things we have going
    on beside the podcast is
    our shop that is full of
    reminders of who you are in God,
    helping you to really grow
    in that radical art of
    standing in who you are and giving
    gifts that help others to do the same.
    The other big thing we have going
    on is the Uprising Academy.
    This is all of our formation,
    programs, workshops, retreats,
    everything is available virtually
    and on demand where you can
    sign up and continue to learn
    more about radically standing
    in what God says about you,
    especially if you were in a place
    in your life where you are not being
    fed the way that you long to be fed,
    whether it's in your community,
    whether it's at your church,
    whatever it is, there is more
    for you and we can absolutely
    walk with you into it through
    the Uprising Academy.
    All those links are
    in our show notes.
    And if you enjoyed this episode, I
    encourage you to leave a review.
    Reviews are the number one way that
    we help get in front of new faces,
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    I love you. I'm praying for you.
    I hope you have
    an amazing week.

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