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  • Ep. 4.18 How Should We Manage Anxiety as Christians? with Whitney Hare

    May 16, 2023 18 min read

    Ep. 4.18 How Should We Manage Anxiety as Christians? with Whitney Hare - Pink Salt Riot

    Whitney Haarh of Abundantly Yours joins us on the AU podcast this week to talk about managing anxiety as a Chrisitan. Is it possible? Is prayer the only answer? How can we pray to reduce our anxiety? It’s okay to sometimes feel uncomfortable but how far is too far? All this and more on today’s podcast.

    13:56-14:07 Being uncomfortable

    14:28-14:49 Who am I?

    26:38-26:48 Live your today

    27:07-27:14 What’s the Lord inviting you to?

    Visit Whitney’s shop for amazing pieces to remind you of who and Whose you are: https://abundantlyyours.org

    Hear Whitney speak more about what it means to be a child of God: https://abundantlyyours.org/pages/podcast

    Want to see what Whitney’s up to daily? Follow her on Instagram! https://instagram.com/abundantly.yours

    Want free resources to help you build your Christian identity? https://pinksaltriot.com/pages/free-resource-to-build-your-christian-identity

    Want to learn more about why you should be identifying the lies you are believing and building your toolbox to fight them? Take our totally free School of Uprising program in as little as 30 minutes! Sign up here: https://joy.pinksaltriot.com/schoolofuprising

    Visit our shop for amazing, intentional reminders of the truths we want to embrace with our lives here: https://pinksaltriot.com

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    Hello and welcome to today's episode
    of the Authentic Uprising podcast.
    I'm your host Jill Simons, and I'm so
    excited to grow in the radical art
    of standing in what God says
    about you with you today.
    The show is a place where we
    pour into the sense of who God is
    who we are and how we can live
    more in the freedom that He
    has for us every
    single day.
    Hello and welcome to the Authentic Uprising
    podcast. As always I'm your host,
    Jill Simons, and I am happy to be
    spending this time with you today.
    I am so excited for us to talk
    more about how anxiety fits
    into the puzzle in light of our
    identity as beloved children of God.
    And that's what we're always
    looking at, Really, What is it?
    That God wants to speak into
    us in all of these situations
    that we face in our lives and
    how do we interpret and
    really interact with these
    things we struggle with in light
    of how we know God
    created us.
    So to have this conversation with
    me today, I have Whitney Haahr,
    who is going to be talking with
    us about how she has navigated
    this in her own life. And also
    she has crowdsourced some really
    wonderful advice that she's gonna
    be share with us about just
    managing anxiety in your
    everyday Christian Life.
    So thank you Whitney so much for
    being here with me today. Yes.
    I'm so excited to join me.
    It's gonna be so fun.
    So go ahead and start by just
    telling us a little bit about
    you and where you're at
    in life and really,
    you can kind of wrap up with where anxiety
    has showed up in your life so far.
    Yeah. Absolutely.
    So I'm Whitney.
    I have experienced tons of changes
    of life in the last year.
    So I am married, expecting my first
    baby in April of 2023,
    which is just crazy. I'm so excited
    Yeah, recent college graduate,
    so navigating that.
    I'm an entrepreneur.
    I do design work as I have
    a graphic design degree.
    And then I also run a Catholic
    podcast and shop called Abundantly Yours.
    And so kind of just letting the Lord
    do His thing in the season.
    And so, yeah, like I said, and
    the last 2022 was a lot.
    I, you know, finished
    my last semester.
    Or school living actually
    in my college town,
    and then I moved home with my parents
    so that was moved number one.
    And then my husband and I got married
    two months later, so then move again,
    you know, and then whole
    transition of marriage. Right?
    Like, figuring out how
    to live with a man,
    And then we found out we're
    expecting our first baby.
    And then we ended up moving again, and
    I'm finishing my last semester school.
    And so just a lot
    happened last year,
    and they were all such
    beautiful and good things,
    but it also brought
    about so much change.
    And so much you know, things that
    I'm like, okay, Lord, like,
    what's happening.
    What are You doing?
    And so I think a lot of our anxiety
    comes with a fear of the unknown,
    and that's at least what I've experienced
    is when I get to this place of,
    like, I have no idea
    what's happening.
    I just, like, start to have those spiraling
    thoughts and I grip for control.
    Like, I take the Lord, and I just
    say I got this like, you know,
    I just get tight and intense
    and I'm like, okay.
    I got gotta take
    a deep breath,
    and that's where I struggle with
    anxiety do the most is when,
    you know, I don't know what's
    coming next. So with a business.
    Right? You know that's an entrepreneurship,
    you know, running a business.
    I'm like, okay, Lord, you
    know, this is what I desire,
    but is this what You want? And I don't
    know what the next thing in business.
    I don't know if I'm ever gonna hit
    that certain goal that I want.
    Or... And that's kind of
    with anything in life, you know,
    stepping the motherhood and having
    no idea what to expect.
    You know, I can either choose to, like,
    freak out and choose to just you know,
    kind of cripple into those
    thoughts that the enemy gets us
    to believe or I have this option to
    you know, let the Lord do His thing.
    Right? And so as I kinda of
    navigated all this change and
    the anxiety that came with it,
    instead of choosing to freak out.
    Like, I have had my moments.
    Okay. I'm human. I'm not perfect.
    But I had this option of choosing
    the Lord and choosing freedom
    and choosing freedom with Him
    in the day to day life instead
    of worrying about what's coming
    next week. What's coming tomorrow.
    And in high school, three
    years ago, I was, like,
    the Type A planner, planned everything
    out. Yeah. I was that girl.
    And now I'm to the the person
    that's, like,
    someone asked me what I'm doing
    tomorrow, I'm like, I don't know.
    We'll figure that out
    tomorrow morning.
    And it's hard to do that, but it
    comes with a lot of surrender.
    So I kinda guess that's where I've
    kind of experienced anxiety is with...
    Just that fear of the unknown. And
    through that, I've learned a lot of...
    Okay. We have the two
    choices. Right?
    Just go down that path or to just
    choose Jesus. Yeah. Absolutely.
    And I think that that's it's
    a really interesting conversation to have
    because I think there's a lot
    of people that want to think
    they are whenever authentically choose
    Jesus, but still struggle with like,
    the physical manifestations
    or just kind of that, like,
    emotional physical
    side of anxiety,
    where there's kind of hypothetical
    spiritual act of like,
    Ok I'm going to give this to Jesus,
    but then there's also like...
    But I'm still really tense.
    You talked about that, like,
    tightness in your body and
    things like that.
    And I think that that's really
    interesting to talk about,
    should we expect that to go
    away or is that always gonna be
    piece of the puzzle or like,
    where do we interact with that?
    I know, for myself, that's kind
    of what is lingering Is that
    as I've grown and you know,
    really didn't start focusing on
    things like this until I was much
    older than you, so good for you.
    But I have been
    really, you know,
    emphasizing putting things in
    the Lord's hands and things like that.
    But so often I find that I still
    have, like, the physical feeling.
    Like, especially about I'm gonna
    say less about things like
    you're talking about, like,
    moving and change and more like,
    a customer is angry
    or there's like,
    a situation where something is
    coming at me that feels like
    it is very anxiety-inducing and and trying
    to manage that in the physical,
    with the spiritual acts, how...
    And so I'm just interested.
    If you know what I'm talking
    about first of all,
    and if you experience
    something like this.
    And if you have methods
    or you talked to...
    We talked before you got on
    the podcast about people sharing
    with you really helpful strategies
    for dealing with anxiety.
    If there's anything in that that
    kind of speaks to that. Yeah.
    Absolutely. Yeah. I feel like I definitely...
    I definitely relate to that.
    You know, like, Okay.
    Okay. Like, anxiety.
    And I think, yeah,
    we tense up. Right?
    Like, our heart our heart rate
    rises, our brain just starts to,
    like, spiral we're like, sometimes we
    just get into this, like freak out mode.
    Right? Like, I experience
    it we're all human.
    And so what's helped me the most
    is getting rid of kind of
    worldly things in that I'm like
    that near me. So my phone.
    That's when it gets the worst is
    when I'm on my phone because,
    you know, I can see... I'm scrolling
    through everyone else's social media.
    Right? That's what
    what social media is.
    And so I've learned to put my phone
    down. Put it on, do not disturb.
    That's the first thing I do
    because that's typically does not
    do anything for me when I'm anxious.
    I just need to, like, chill
    and take a deep breath.
    And I think for me, what helps
    me a lot is I go sit in our
    recliner and I put my feet up. And then
    I just sit and process it with God.
    And so one of the girls, I didn't write
    hers down, but I know what she said.
    She's, like, I gave myself twenty
    minutes to feel these thoughts.
    She's like, if it's anger, if it's
    anxiety, if it's whatever and,
    she's like, I set a timer for twenty
    minutes, let myself feel those feelings.
    And after that, I take it
    to the Lord and I say,
    this is not does not have
    power over my life. Right?
    He just, like, these thoughts
    don't have power over me. You do.
    And I... And you are truth, beauty,
    and goodness. That's who God is.
    And so even for me, just coming back to
    Well, what is this that I'm believing?
    What is that what am
    I struggling with?
    You know, maybe I'm anxious about where
    my next orders are coming with my shop?
    Or maybe I'm anxious about
    something that the Lord is calling
    me to do that I'm so nervous to do, but
    I know it's what He's calling me to do.
    And so coming back to
    the truth of who I am,
    who who I was created
    to be as a daughter,
    because I think for me anxiety files
    a lot with those enemies the lies.
    Right? And so just coming back
    to the truth of who am I?
    And so one of my friends Maya... She
    said a couple of different things.
    So she's like, one
    what am I afraid of?
    So identifying this, what is it
    that's causing me this feeling
    and get down to the root of
    why you're feeling that way.
    Get out the journal
    and write it down.
    Because you're gonna have
    thoughts going everywhere.
    And so just writing that down and
    seeing why you're feeling that way,
    What is the cause of it? And then
    after that, ask yourself this.
    This is what she said. And I this
    is one of my favorite things.
    Does Jesus love
    you. Yes. He loves you.
    Would He ever turn away
    from you? Absolutely not.
    Therefore, the only person making
    you feel fear is Satan because
    Jesus will take care of you. And
    I was like, girl, I needed that.
    I needed that in that moment
    of just like, you know,
    I asked for this advice when I
    was in a moment of just anxiety
    and feeling like
    the world was gonna end,
    and everything was
    just falling apart.
    And I'm, like, wait, coming back
    to the truth is so powerful.
    And so that's, I guess,
    what's helped me a lot.
    Physically is just taking a deep
    breath and really identifying
    what it is that's causing this
    feeling. So I guess that's what I got.
    Yeah. I love that. And I think that
    that's been one of the strategies
    that's been most helpful for me is
    like, a lot of times as Christians,
    there's this especially, I
    think, so interestingly,
    when we only know who we are and
    our identity like intellectually.
    When it's something
    where it's like,
    I know that God loves me or I
    know that I'm a child of God,
    but that is very much like
    a head knowing only.
    And I haven't experienced this
    in a way that I've connected
    tangibly with my emotional heart
    based experience because I think
    that like everything, so much
    of it is about how do I live
    and what is real versus
    what is perceived.
    And so that's exactly what
    you're talking about is where we
    have this situation
    where it's like,
    perceived that I'm in danger,
    perceived that there's something
    that's gonna come at me and be able
    to overwhelm me when in reality,
    the situation is that I if I do place
    myself in this place of surrender to God,
    then there's not... Then that
    fear just is irrational.
    It's not based on the real
    reality of the situation.
    And so I love what you said you know,
    when you ask yourself your...
    Those questions, it's basically... I'm
    gonna actively tell myself the truth.
    And I think that
    that's something...
    You know, we see that in Second Kings
    when Jesus excuse me, not Jesus.
    David, in Second Kings
    says, you know,
    when there's a huge loss in battle
    that talks about David consoling
    himself with
    what he knows to be true,
    and not that we don't go to prayer
    with that, but we also don't,
    like, rely on consolation and prayer,
    like the voice of God being,
    like, you're okay, though He can and will
    do that and does do that sometimes.
    I think a lot of times, especially
    as we mature as Christians.
    He's like, no. You you know
    that you're okay, like,
    you tell yourself
    that you're okay.
    I think about my children
    learning to ride their bikes.
    And, you know, the first couple
    of times that they fall.
    It's just this
    cataclysmic event.
    But then as time goes on, my
    husband and I have less like, oh,
    oh, my gosh. Are you okay? And
    it's more like, no. You're fine.
    Like, you know that
    you are okay.
    Let's let's keep this growth
    going that opens you up to being
    able to do things at a level that you
    weren't able to do things before.
    And so I think that that is
    such a valuable practice.
    And obviously that's what
    at Pink Salt Riot.
    That's kind of, like, what our
    products are supposed to help
    you do is be these
    touchstones of, like,
    how do you tell yourself
    the truth in the moment.
    And so I'm obviously really
    passionate about that.
    But I think that there's also
    so much judgment that we will
    attach to ourselves in just, like,
    even feeling those feelings at all.
    Like, you were talking about
    the woman saying I'm gonna give
    myself twenty minutes. It's really
    hard for us to be uncomfortable
    a lot of the time and to, like, accept
    that that's something that like,
    that that multiple things can be true
    at one time. You know what I mean?
    Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. And I
    think sometimes we attach anxiety
    to our identity, of
    especially, you know,
    if you are someone who struggles
    with anxiety, a lot, like,
    coming back to who who we are
    as a daughter of God. Right?
    Of who He says that we are,
    who be you. Who who who am?
    Pray with that question. That
    is such a powerful question to
    come back and ask
    the Lord of who am I?
    You know, like, when you introduce
    yourself, what do you say?
    You know, at the beginning of
    the episode probably do the best
    introducing myself. Right? But
    kind of like praying with that?
    Like, Lord, who do you say that I am?
    You know, Who what identifies me?
    And I think so
    much of the time,
    society puts so much pressure
    on us in the sense of your
    identity comes in your grades
    if you're in college.
    If you have to have a 4.0 or
    your identity comes in your work,
    like, that's so false. And I
    think we get so wrapped up in
    serving these quote unquote,
    worldly identities that we become
    a slave to ourself. You know,
    Like, I become, you know,
    back when I was finishing my
    last last semester of school,
    I was becoming a slave to this
    design work that I had to do in
    these projects because I felt
    that they were controlling me
    and that was the first priority
    in my life. So I got up and I...
    First thing in the morning, I would
    start that and not even pray first.
    Right? And so really coming
    back to the root of who we are
    and praying with that every
    day and reminding ourself.
    I was just thinking of
    this the other day.
    So I babysit my nephew
    until my baby arrives.
    And so I've been watching
    a few days a week,
    and I was also talking to a friend
    on Instagram about how her
    baby loves of the mirror, like,
    looking in the mirror at herself.
    And I was like, okay. Like,
    these little infants, you know,
    her baby's two months old. My
    nephews is four months old.
    Look look in the mirror and they just
    giggle and laugh it themselves.
    They don't look at themselves and say,
    oh, you're ugly. I don't like you.
    They laugh and giggle. And babies vomit and puke, they're just messy.
    Right? And so they look in
    the mirror, they don't care.
    They don't care about these
    things that are happening,
    they just looking
    they're so happy.
    Looking at themselves in
    the mirror and I'm like,
    why don't we do that
    as grown adults?
    Why can't we look in the mirror,
    especially zoom in and say,
    you are beautiful, you are loved and
    you are so known by the Father.
    But instead we say, oh my gosh
    you have a pimple, you know,
    I don't look skinny enough
    today. My hair is crazy.
    Like, why do we do
    that to ourselves?
    Because that's just the first trigger
    to letting the this, you know,
    Satan into our lives. And so
    coming back to who am I?
    I think that's just such
    a huge part of this,
    at least for me with anxiety
    of not letting something else
    identify me because that's when I
    start to feel those feelings of who am I?
    Who am I? It's just
    it's as easy as that.
    I mean, it's not easy, but that's... I
    mean, a question we have to pray with.
    Right and ask the Lord. And
    if you struggle with that,
    put the pressure on Jesus
    to tell you who you are.
    You know, He loves you, He
    wants to hear from you,
    and He wants to
    fill your heart.
    And if you're really struggling with
    that, say, Lord, I don't know who I am.
    I'm gonna pray in demand, for
    an answer from You until I hear
    until I know that because He doesn't
    want us to to know anything else,
    but truth, beauty
    and goodness.
    And so yeah, I
    got fired up,
    but we have to know who we are
    as daughters of the Lord. Yeah.
    And I think I love the baby
    analogy because I think that that
    also not only how they
    interact with themselves,
    but that tells us something
    valuable about how God is inviting
    us to interact with Him. I wouldn't
    necessarily go all the way
    like two to four month old. But I have
    a two year old, and I try and like,
    sit in the same space with the Lord
    as my two year old does with me.
    Where he's just like, hundred percent
    all in, like, mommy, watch me.
    Mommy, watch watch
    me, you know, like,
    just wanting me to be so engaged in his
    life as one thing, how he is just so,
    like, unfiltered with me the mother
    things where it's just like,
    my favorite moment the other
    day, he was like, mom,
    you have to walk behind
    me down the hall.
    And I I started walking, like, too
    quickly, and that was not okay.
    And so he was, like, no,
    slow down, walk behind me.
    And then he apparently, like, stubbed
    his toe or something like that.
    And he immediately just like wailed and
    was like, ah. And then I was like,
    oh, Robbie, what happened? He's
    was like, oh, actually it's fine.
    And I think he just like, had such
    a, like, strong, authentic reaction,
    but then was able to just self
    correct because of sort of
    the the nearness of help
    should he need it.
    And I think that that's kind
    of the if he felt like there
    wasn't somebody close
    by to help him.
    I'm pretty confident that that would
    have been like an ER emergency like,
    on an ongoing basis. Because it
    was such a a time when he was
    so aware that there was what
    he needed was right there.
    And and so he's just able
    to be that, you know,
    kind of at the authentic emotional
    awareness level with me,
    even though so often it's
    irrational and these things like
    that and I'm sure you've seen the meme
    of like, the picture from the office.
    It's a, like, Jim Halpert
    character from "The Office",
    where he's just staring
    at the camera,
    and most of you watch on Youtube we'll
    be able to see where he's just that,
    like, really look
    on his face.
    And there's this meme where it's
    constantly, like, you know,
    me telling my kids you know,
    why do you keep doing something
    I haven't I've told you not
    to do over and over again.
    God looking at me, like, really,
    what what of you've been doing,
    you know, is doing... What I've told
    you not to do over and over again,
    and I think that having that
    emotional vulnerability with God
    is something that doesn't
    alleviate anxiety necessarily,
    Though I think over time
    it does diminish it.
    It is something that makes it weatherable,
    something that doesn't become,
    like a problem in life and
    something that, you know,
    in another episode we're
    chatting with a therapist about kind
    of what is that point where we
    really do need intervention at
    another level because sometimes
    there really are other issues
    going on that this isn't something
    that is kind of self-diagnosable
    or self something you can walk
    yourself through with prayer.
    Sometimes the Lord really wants
    other people to walk with us
    who have the specific
    skills to do that.
    But a lot of times for your kind
    of pedestrian, non-diagnosable anxiety,
    this is something that God
    wants to use to invite us into
    deeper relationship with
    Him. Yes. I totally agree.
    And through our sufferings
    we grow in the... The most...
    We get to experience the Lord the most
    intimately because we're at our weakest.
    Right? We're just like, you
    know, we're at our weakest.
    And like I mentioned earlier,
    we have the two choices.
    So when we are at our weakest
    and we choose Jesus,
    that is when we
    experience Him the most.
    And that's where I've experienced Him
    the most and experienced the most peace.
    Another little thing that I... That
    I... That's helped me is Okay.
    We know that the Lord knows
    our healings. He knows...
    We know that He knows our
    thoughts. He knows, He knows.
    We know He knows every action.
    That was a lot of words.
    But He does, but He also
    takes joy in hearing from us.
    And so for me, when I'm feeling these
    emotions instead of just saying,
    like, Lord, you know
    how I feel. No.
    I get nitty gritty with the Lord, I say
    Lord, I'm am struggling with this.
    I'm struggling, like, so hard with this.
    I can't handle it. Please help me.
    And so telling the Lord,
    for me, I'm very much of a,
    I think through things out
    loud kind of a person.
    And so most of the time, like,
    my husband just hears me ramble,
    but it's... I'm
    just thinking.
    But even in prayer of, like,
    reminding myself that I can...
    Like, I need to tell the Lord what I
    feel and how I feel, And then I mean,
    it helps me to release some of those
    emotions and make me feel not alone.
    And I do have a few other pieces
    of advice that I wanna share
    from other women and she talked
    about, you know, asking for help,
    so Catholic counseling. One of my
    friends from college is, like,
    Catholic counseling
    is awesome.
    So don't don't feel guilty for,
    you know, asking for help.
    Like, we... It's okay. We're
    built for community and built,
    you know, for relationship
    with others as well.
    And so another person said praying
    and asking others for guidance.
    So if you know if someone who
    struggled with this, like,
    go ask them or a trusted adult, a roommate,
    a friend finding someone because it...
    Once you can get those feelings
    off your chest, most of the time,
    like, we can just breathe. Right?
    Because we internalize so much of it.
    So I'm gonna kinda
    read through my list.
    So praying the rosary and or praying
    fifty-four day novena, if you're Catholic,
    that's a great option. Another
    person said, remembering that it...
    There is nothing that our all-powerful
    Father has not already planned,
    which I thought was, like, my drop
    staying off your phone, like,
    that's a good Good
    good piece of advice.
    Realizing God has something in
    store and I need to be patient.
    Another couple Catholic ones is
    frequent sacraments or going to adoration.
    But even for me, worship music
    and just keeping Jesus active,
    in my ears all day
    is huge as well.
    So in the last the last one that
    I have was another quote from
    someone and it's a it's kind of like
    a little prayer she says to the Lord.
    And she says, my sweetest Jesus, I am
    Your servant, where You lead I follow,
    just make it very clear. And
    so I thought that was cool.
    Just so much fun advice
    that I received.
    And so I just had to share it with
    you guys today. Nah. I love that.
    I always pray, especially when
    there's something that, like,
    the general trend has been, like,
    yes. You're supposed to do this.
    I'm always just
    like, okay, like,
    this is this is where we're
    driving and you're gonna have to,
    like, reroute the road if you
    want it to go somewhere else
    because I'm doing what we've been
    planning, You know? Yep. Like...
    And I don't really have anxiety about
    that, which I think is you know,
    obviously been a journey
    to get there,
    But I think that that's something
    that can be really revolutionary
    to a lot of women is the idea that
    you don't have to necessarily
    like exhaustively discern
    every individual decision.
    You can you know, really be
    walking with Jesus over a long
    time and and have that relationship
    with Him where you're like,
    okay, this has been something You've been
    leading me to do on a regular basis.
    And so far, it seems like this
    is just kind of the open door.
    And so unless You say, like,
    unless You close it on me,
    I'm going to continue
    walking that direction.
    And I think that
    that's, you know,
    a decision that I made with my
    speaking career actually was to just,
    you know, it was so clear
    the timing and how it worked out,
    and I asked for someone else to
    be involved in the process so
    that I wasn't kind
    of in the...
    My own driver's seat,
    and so there's actually,
    like a woman that He
    sent me that, like,
    more or less kind of runs my speaking
    career for me not because I asked her to,
    but because she felt
    so prompted to do it.
    And so because of that and lots of
    other things, I'm just like Lord,
    I'm just gonna say, yes, to every
    opportunity that I get to speak.
    And so You need to, like, send
    me a feeling a very specific,
    like, interjection if
    You don't want me to do that
    because this has been like
    a ten year journey of like,
    getting to the point where
    You're asking you to speak.
    And now You've been,
    like, go play, have fun.
    And that's what I'm gonna do
    until You tell me to do something
    else. Just like we think about our
    children, you know, it's not like,
    the rules are
    different every day.
    And like, they have to, like,
    constantly be like, oh, this...
    But is that right today? He just
    lets us go in a lot of times,
    and that is also something that can be
    really freeing on their anxiety friends.
    Yeah. I totally agree. And I think
    If I have one piece of advice,
    I can give, that would be to just live
    in your today and not in your tomorrow.
    That's where I found most freedom
    with anxiety is being able
    to just focus on this
    present moment.
    It's something that the Lord has
    been teaching me is just kind
    of something that I'm like,
    yeah. That's a good thought.
    So What is the Lord inviting me to do
    today that's gonna get me to heaven.
    So just kind pray
    with that question.
    I'm like, what is the Lord
    inviting me to do today
    that's gonna get
    me to heaven?
    And so instead of worrying about
    tomorrow or what what's planned is...
    Okay. You know, for me, as
    a business owner that's, you know,
    marketing work. Maybe that's my goal
    for today or I have podcasting today.
    You know, what is it today? And
    just just work on letting go
    of of the future because you'll
    be able to experience so much
    joy and just so much peace. And
    you'll be able to just experience
    the Lord even more when we can
    just invite Him into these small
    little intimate moments. So if
    you're having coffee in your
    kitchen and invite Him to sit on
    the share with you next to you,
    and then picture Him there with
    His coffee in His hand reading
    the newspaper hanging
    out with you.
    So bring the Lord into your
    life, into your intimate day to
    day moments and just letting go
    of... Letting go of the future.
    It's so hard. It's a constant process
    for me, but my truly truly...
    I have experienced the Lord. So so so
    freeing and just so fruitfully with Him.
    So Absolutely. Well, thank you, Whitney
    so much for being here with me today.
    It's been so nice
    chatting with you.
    If you wanna check out what
    Whitney's up to online.
    All those links are gonna be in our show
    notes, so you can check her out there,
    both on Instagram and
    through her podcast shop.
    I hope that you guys have
    a wonderful Tuesday.
    Thanks for being with me
    Whitney. Yes. Absolutely.
    Thanks again for the invitation
    to be here. It's been such a joy.
    Thank you so much for joining
    me on today's episode of the
    Authentic Uprising podcast. It
    is always a joy to be with you.
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    We would love to continue to get
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    relationship with you. And so
    I encourage you to check out
    the links in both our show notes
    and Youtube description that
    tell you more about where you
    can connect with us elsewhere.
    The two big things we have going
    on beside the podcast is our
    shop that is full of reminders
    of who you are in God,
    helping you to really grow in
    that radical art of standing in
    who you are and giving gifts that
    help others to do the same.
    The other big thing we have going
    on is the Uprising Academy.
    This is all of our formation,
    programs, workshops, retreats,
    everything is available virtually
    and on demand where you can
    sign up and continue to learn
    more about radically standing
    in what God says about you,
    especially if you were in a place
    in your life where you are not being
    fed the way that you long to be fed,
    whether it's in your community,
    whether it's at your church,
    whatever it is, there is more
    for you and we can absolutely
    walk with you into it through
    the Uprising Academy.
    All those links are
    in our show notes.
    And if you enjoyed this episode, I
    encourage you to leave a review.
    Reviews are the number one way that
    we help get in front of new faces,
    new people that are able to be
    touched by the radical art of
    standing in what God says about us.
    I love you. I'm praying for you.
    I hope you have
    an amazing week.

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