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January 18, 2022 6 min read
Today's episode is something a little bit different - Jill will be walking you through a meditative prayer on Romans 12:1-2 and a conversation with the Lord about how and where God wants to unlock this transformation in your life.
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Prayer with Romans 12:1-2 Full Transcript
Jill Simons
Hello, and welcome to the authentic uprising show. I'm your host, Jill Simons. I am so excited to grow in the radical art of standing in what God says about you with you today. This show is a place where we pour into our concept of who we are, how we've been created with intention by God and how we can live out of the freedom that he has for us more every single day.
Jill Simons
Hello. My friends today is I think this is going to be my favorite episode that we do each month. Moving forward is going to be the episode where we really dig into the scripture and around the verse that we're memorizing, but also the verse itself. And we're going to pray with it in a really special way. So in my faith tradition, it's called Lexio Devina. Whether your faith tradition has calls it that, or does it this way, doesn't matter. It is a beautiful practice that all Christians can partake in, where essentially what you're going to do is just read the Bible slowly. So I'm going to provide all of the reading for you. So if you want to have your Bible open in front of you, more power to you, that's an awesome way to do this. If you are driving, if you are somewhere where you don't have your book in front of you, that is also okay.
Jill Simons
You're going to have everything you need just through the audio of this podcast, so that you will be able to pray through this and then return to it in the future. If you want to pray through this again. So if you're listening on the podcast, then this is just going to be totally normal. I'm going to just lead you through the prayer with a voice. If you're watching here on YouTube, then we're going to switch to just a calming natural video so that I am not distracting you with my hand movements and facial expressions while you're trying to pray. So I'm going to get you all set up to go. And what I want you to do right now is to just take a minute to really quiet yourself. If you're driving, obviously do not close your eyes, but if you are somewhere that it is safe and appropriate for you to close your eyes.
Jill Simons
That's a great idea so that you can really just draw your attention to the words, to what I'm saying and what God has for you in this time of prayer in his word, I'm going to start by reading verse one into a Romans 12:2. You I'm going to read it three times slowly. And as I read it, I would love for you to just let your mind kind of wander around the verse itself. So see what words stand out to you. What phrases strike you and just reflect on that. Each time that I read it, Romans 12, one through two. Therefore I urge you brothers by the mercies of God to present your bodies as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service, do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you may prove what is the good, well pleasing and perfect will of God.
Jill Simons
Therefore I urge you brothers by the mercies of God to present your bodies as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service. Don't be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind so that you may prove what is the good, well pleasing and perfect will of God. I'm going to read it one last time. And as I do, I want you to really latch onto the words that stand out to you this time. Therefore, I urge you brothers by the mercies of God to present your bodies as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service. Don't be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you may prove what is the good, well, pleasing and perfect will of God.
Jill Simons
I want you to hold those words or phrases that stood out to you in your mind.
Jill Simons
And as you do, I'd like you to imagine Jesus with you, whatever that looks like, where you are, maybe if you're driving, he's in the passenger seat next to you, or if you are sitting alone in a room, he could be sitting on a chair or a sofa nearby, But imagine him in the room with you
Jill Simons
As you imagine him, I want you to share with him what stood out to you, what words or phrases from these two verses, do you feel like he was drawing attention to in your mind?
Jill Simons
As you share with him, notice his facial expressions. Notice his reactions, See how he responds to you.
Jill Simons
Now, if you are somewhere where you are able, I encourage you to ask the following question out loud. And if you're somewhere where it would probably get some strange looks for you to begin talking to yourself out loud, go ahead, ask an, ask this question silently in your heart, but as Jesus, where is it that I believe I can't change.
Jill Simons
Let him speak the answer into your heart.
Jill Simons
And when you have an answer, come up in your heart. I want you to turn it back around and ask Jesus. Jesus, do you think I can change in this area?
Jill Simons
Listen to what he speaks into your heart.
Jill Simons
I want to read the verses one more time so that these words can really, really sink into your thoughts for the day. Therefore, I urge you brothers by the mercies of God to present your bodies, a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service. Don't be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you may prove what is the good, well, pleasing and perfect will of God. I want you to turn to Jesus one more time and ask him, Jesus, what truth do you want to replace this lie with? How do you want to rewrite the lie that I've been telling myself about? Where I can't change?
Jill Simons
I encourage you, especially if you felt Jesus, speak to your heart, to take a few minutes at the end of this episode, to write down what it is that he said. These words that we receive from Jesus are precious And are such wonderful tools to improve our spiritual lives. Not only do they allow us to come to know God's mind better, but it allows us to come to know his heart for us. It allows us to strengthen our testimony about how Jesus has personally spoken to and showed up for each of us. I would absolutely love it. If you wanted to share what you received in prayer in our Facebook group, or as a comment on YouTube, Facebook or Instagram, the links to all of our profiles are in the show description. And we would love to hear from you. And we would love to continue to pray with you for Jesus to speak truth into all of our lives.
Jill Simons
Have a beautiful day. Thanks for listening. Thank you so much for joining me on today's episode of the authentic uprising podcast. If you're watching on YouTube or listening on a app,
Jill Simons
Make sure that you hit subscribe so that you can get all of our updates automatically in your app on YouTube. And we also ask that you leave us a review or comment. If you're in a podcast app, leave us a review that helps us get seen by more people and on YouTube, leave us a comment, let us know what you loved from the episode and send it on to a friend. I am sure that you know, someone who really needs the message in this podcast from today. I also encourage you to check out pink salts riots. That is my company that sponsors this podcast. We have an incredible online shop full of all kinds of beautiful and unique Christian lifestyle goods. You can shop our whole line at pink, salt, riot.com. I'll see you next week.
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