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January 11, 2022 27 min read
In today's episode Jill chats with Daisy Reese, a homeschooling mom and military wife who found herself on TikTok first as a watchful mama, but soon as a Christian witness in an often hostile mission field. Daisy shares about how the Lord first broke into her life, how she continues to grow and change with His guidance, and how the Lord moves in unusual ways - like old school bullies and TikTok comment sections.
To follow Daisy on TikTok head to https://www.tiktok.com/@theprayingmamabear
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Jill Simons
Hello, and welcome to the authentic uprising show. I'm your host, Jill Simons. I am so excited to grow in the radical art of standing in what God says about you with you today. This show is a place where we pour into our concept of who we are, how we've been created with intention by God and how we can live out of the freedom that he has for us more every single day.
Jill Simons
Hello and welcome to today's episode of the authentic uprising podcast. I have the great pleasure today of speaking with Daisy Reese. She is a homeschooling mom and an army wife who found herself on tick-tock not that long ago and has started gathering this beautiful following of Christian followers since she's started sharing about her faith. And she's just a beautiful witness on Tik TOK. And I'm so excited to talk with her today about how the Lord has transformed her life and how she has seen this truth of the possibility of transformation in her life as a Christian. Well, Daisy, thank you so much for being here with me today. I'm so excited to talk with you.
Daisy Reese
It's such a pleasure. Thank you for having me.
Jill Simons
So we discovered you on Tik TOK, Daisy, and we just loved how spirit fields your videos were like. That was just tangible. The fact that you were being really enlivened by the holy spirit, as you were sharing on tech talk. And there was one video specifically that just was the first one that I saw of yours. I know my assistant had found them previously, but where you were responding to this negative comment that someone had on your Tik TOK account, do you know which one I'm talking about?
Daisy Reese
I think so. Yes. Yes.
Jill Simons
And so I would, I was just so in all of like the grace and just the ability to enter into things with a Christ, like attitude that you portrayed in that video. So when I had the opportunity to bring you on the podcast, I was just so, so excited to do that. So, yay. I'm so glad you're here.
Daisy Reese
Thank you. It's not always easy to respond with grace, but you know, we actually gotten out of a series of church where we were discussing the scripture and in this case, in my memory right now, but it was about how Christ is telling us that we will go through trials, that we were, we're going to get incarcerated forever. And the birth that stood out to me was this is your opportunity to share the gospel. So I started thinking every time that I got a negative comment, it's like, am I going to reply my splash? Or am I going to use this as catapult and the opportunity to share that? And so that was what, what was on my mind when I replied,
Jill Simons
I love that. And that is so in the spirit of the great commission, I keep like reflecting on what Christ has right before he ascends into heaven. And it's just, you know, it's that it's to go and make disciples of all nations and to heal the sick and really make him present to the world now that he is going to be with the father through the power of the holy spirit. And I just really saw that in that video.
Daisy Reese
Jill Simons
We've jumped in, like in the middle here, and those that don't know who you are, Daisy share about who you are, why you're on Tech-Talk et cetera.
Daisy Reese
Well, okay, well, that's the whole thing. So my daughter started on six top when it was like musically way back when, so I just started my accounts and keep pads. And then during the pandemic, I realized that there was adult, I came upon the hashtag over 30 and I was like, Hey here kind of started doing it. You know, the little dances and whatever. And then my daughter went to a youth camp and when she came back, she was on fire. She was like, mom, I want to change my PIP, talk around and I want to start making to talk for God. And I was like, well, okay then. And then seeing that, like, I was like, well, if I'm here, I might as well do something with it. And I started getting like a little bit of a following. I had like 1500 followers at that time. And I was like, I'm going to start talking about Jesus. And so I'm a homeschooling mom. I homeschool with my four kids. I'm an army wife and I've been walking with the Lord for 12 years now. So I was like, you know, I've got some, I can find my tribe now I started going forward. And then it just kind of exploded. I think that I'm like at 98,000 followers, but it's for the glory of God. So we're going to take this and run.
Jill Simons
I love it. I love that so much. And so you, did you set out at any point to like build this following? Like, was there a point where I became like, I really want to grow this and see what's going to happen?
Daisy Reese
No, honestly, I, I was impressed when I got a thousand followers because my child still does not have a thousand followers and she's been on since 2016. So at first it was kind of like mom had it, you're coming out of my friends for you page. So then it became real to me like, oh my God, like people are actually watching me. It's the real.
Jill Simons
Absolutely. And so where would you say that a lot of your inspiration for your content comes from that? The videos that you do create for Tik TOK?
Daisy Reese
Well, the ones that I create personally myself, it's like, honestly, I'm reading the Bible and I will just get like a random thought. And it's like, you know what? This is a good message. I should share this. And actually I struggled with it and I felt called that explained it perfectly. The other days, this, the things that stop us is not who we think we are. If we think we're not. And on Christian Tik TOK, there's kind of a bit of a battle where people were like, well, you know, most teachers and I was like, well, I'm not a teacher. What if I say something? And someone calls me a false teacher. So now I want to close my mouth. But knowing that I'm not a teacher, I am a teacher for my kids, but in theological scriptures, I'm not, but I am an encourager. That's one of my specifics there, or give it a third time. I'm gonna encourage her. And I am, what is it called? Exportation, which is kind of the new courage. And so I see things and I feel like I shouldn't be afraid to share that because it's not from me, it's from God. And if there's someone that he wants to reach for to do that.
Jill Simons
Yeah, absolutely. And that, I feel like that lines up so well with the message that we try and have consistently here on the podcast where it's like, it's about what God says about you versus what, you know, the people around us say about us. And it can be so intimidating to step into these gifts that the holy spirit is very concretely given us to use them because it feels like, well, man, I really am not trying to put myself like on a pedestal or say that I have some kind of authority that I don't, but man, it feels like I do need to share this. I resonate with that so much because it's the same in my position, creating the products and things like that, where I'm just like, well, I'm not like a theologian. Like I, you know, my husband is so I can run things past to him sometimes, but I don't have that training myself. And so a lot of time, same comes out of like what God is saying in the word and things like that. And so it's, it's challenging. And I think such an important part of the walk in trust with God to lake here and test those things against his word and then to share them when they really do hold up.
Jill Simons
So you said you've been walking with the Lord for 12 years now. So tell us about the transformation, because that's really where we're going to spend the bulk of our time today talking about this transformation and change that comes about in knowing and walking with the Lord. And so he broke into your life in a pretty big way. 12 years ago, correct? Yeah. Yeah. Tell us about that.
Daisy Reese
Well, I was kind of raised in a religious home. It wasn't a Christian and I was kind of those kids that got drugs and I was forced to go and I had such a statement. And so as soon as I could say no, and I was old enough to stay at home, I was like, I'm not going. I'm just not, I don't even know if this is real. And even though saying that Jeremy, because I was like, man, what if he is real? And he simply to help her saying that. So there's always been that fear of the Lord in my heart. And then yeah, once I turned 18 and I was an adult, I spiraled and I went and did all of the wrong thing. And it came to the point where I find myself 21 with a child unmarried, my boyfriend had left the army and I was like, man, like, what am I doing? And I had started working a job with a old school bully who was now a Christian. And it had hit me the weird, the first day of work. I saw her in instantly ran the wrong way. She followed me. She was like, Hey, do you know who I am?
Daisy Reese
Yeah. I know who you are. She's like, well, I just want to know that. I'm really sorry. And I'm a Christian now. And I would really like to invite you to church, to me at that point. It just, it didn't register. I was like, I was going here and she actually consistently invited me for 11 months to go to church with her, the Saturday shift with her. And so one day just everything was going wrong. It was the worst day of my life. And I came home. I came to work, I was crying. She's in the break room, reading her Bible with a smile. And you know, like, she's got this glow about her. I was like, I don't get it. What are you that I don't like, you were such a bully. How is your life so happy? When, why is my falling apart? It's like, well, it's easy. I have Jesus to dry him. If you don't like him, the devil will always take you back. Coincidentally. I was like, you know what? I'm going to take. I'm going to try your Jesus. I'm coming to terms with you tomorrow.
Jill Simons
Oh my gosh. That is such a good line. I'm going to get that back.
Daisy Reese
Yeah. I went to church the next day and on my way there, she told me it's going to be like two hours and grown up Catholic Madison's one hour. So I was like, man, two hours. What did I find out for? I get there and services over and I'm like, this can't be over. Like, I need more like I'm home. Like I was hungry for his work. And he told me there's a women's encounter coming up. I signed up, I did the thing, I got baptized. And I was like, this is, this was the missing piece. That hole in my heart that I've been trying to fill with drugs would relate to not drugs. Sorry. I don't know where that came from.
Daisy Reese
And shopping addiction, like everything over trying to fill that void with Christ was just what I was missing. And so instantly I stopped the need to party or to drink. Like I had an aversion to it. Like I don't, I'm not interested in, my friends were like, oh, you're being brainwashed. And you're in a cult now. And I was like, okay. And I remember when I was a child, my grandma would tell me like, there's a dangerous Pryor. It's, it's really short. She's like, but I want you to try it whenever you're in doubt about something in your life. And it was like, okay, what is it? She's like, it's really simple, but it's scary because God answers. I was like, okay, well, what is it just like, God, if it's not from you remove it from my life, whether it's a thing, an opportunity or a person. And just like that, my friends stopped dropping my flights and I found myself isolated. Or at least it felt like that. But it was just that time when I really got to connect with the Lord and I got to rely on him entirely and I got to build more than friends, but I got a family in cars. So yeah, that was, it was big.
Jill Simons
What a beautiful story. I love that. And so after it, well, it's so funny because this happens so often, I feel like where there's like this pruning in our lives as we come into relationship with God where there's like, and I think it happens at multiple points. You know, there's not just kind of this initial pruning of things, but then as we move to the next level and walk deeper and that's something is this season that I'm in right now where there's this big deepening going on, where it's like, oh man, there's a lot of those things that like, you know, shopping and desserts and things like that, that aren't like evil in and of themselves that as opposed to some things that we could, you know, need to remove from our lives. But the Lord is like, I really want you to look at why these things are a part of your life at the level that they are. And is this something that you are seeking in the wrong place? And that is a hard thing to walk through. I think almost more so when there's not as stark a change, because you went from like a very life of desolation, it sounds like into this new freedom in Christ. And so now as you continue in your walk with Christ, how do you see these things? This, these changes can continuing to occur as you go deeper with him?
Daisy Reese
Well, yeah, it does happen in quite often, especially because I'm a military spouse. So we move every two to three years and it's like, I find a family, a church family, and then we moved and then I got through that stage of feeling isolated again. And then sometimes those like, oh, let me just go shopping. Let me see. What's on Amazon, what's on sale. And so it's not like a, you know, gone forever type of thing. It's something that I have to continue to take captive and, you know, renew my mind. And I'm like, really? I don't need this. So instead of shopping, why don't I shop for a new church? Let's be who's out there. Where can I serve? Where can I plug in? But yeah, there's, there's just a lot. And there's a lot of areas that we can Contently continually grow in.
Daisy Reese
I started homeschooling my children before we moved here because we were moving in the middle of the year. And I was like, well, I hate to rip them out in the middle of the school year, let's start homeschooling. And then when we get there, they can get back to school. And when we got here COVID happened. So it was like, you know what, we're just gonna, we're going to keep homeschooling. And even in that, now I'm meeting new families and I'm being introduced to new ideas. The way that kind of, we grew up, I would say we, I think we're you probably fooled.
Jill Simons
Yes, I was.
Daisy Reese
So it was kind of like that mindset of breaking apart from that desk, be quiet. Do you work to now? We want to go outside and we want to play and we want to explore and cooking as part of our curriculum and serving one another as part of the curriculum. So yeah, there's a deepening and every area of letting go of those old mindset and starting fresh.
Jill Simons
Yeah, absolutely. And so in making such a big shift in your family, going from having them at school, outside the home to homeschooling, how have you really allowed the Lord to give you peace in the process of that? Because I'm sure. Well, I guess I shouldn't assume, but I doubt that it's been a seamless, perfect execution. And so how have you kind of allowed him to bring you grace in the midst of being in progress?
Daisy Reese
Oh my God. He's been my anchor through everything because it wasn't seamless. And honestly, I kind of fought the idea of homeschooling because I felt it in my spirit years before we started that I was going to homeschool and I was like, oh no, because I'm not equipped. I'm not qualified. I can't do this. And it was funny because I had my three children at the time. So it was my fifth grader, my second grader, first grader, and then a little one. So I was like, he's going to go to school next year. So then I'm going to be free. I can go back to work. I can have so much free time. And God was like, no, you're homeschooling. I was like, maybe so then I sent my kids to school that year and then halfway through a year I found out I was pregnant.
Daisy Reese
So then the year when we were going to start, then I had a newborn. So I was like, see, I told you I couldn't do this, but he's like, no, this is so what you're doing, this is where we ended up. And it, it was a lot of tears at first because it was a big transition and I have his baby and I just felt ill-equipped and God was like, Hey, I didn't call the equipped. I quit the call. So dust all day the call and we're going to take it from here. And it's, it's been such a shift of mindset of, you know, the whole, oh, the kids are going back to school, let them go, let them go. And for me, it's like, I'm so glad I get to keep him now because it's center time together. I get to shape their minds. I get to see the glow in their eyes whenever they learn something. And through that, I see, or I imagined what God sees in me when I learn something with them. And he's like, see, you see them blossom. And this is how I see you blossom the joy that you get when they grow the same joy that you give me when you grow. So it's been like, wow,
Jill Simons
Beautiful. That is another big theme that's been in my life lately. Is that like embracing being the child in the relationship with God? I think having this, like disposition is something that has such a negative connotation in our culture, like being naive or being, you know, not fully equipped to be an adult, things like that. Whereas really that's what kind of gives us the freedom to be in process. I think a lot of the time, because I mean, as you've seen with your four children and I'm pregnant with my fourth right now, it is such a joy to see them even try and fail my, my one-year-old right now. So had his first sentence read recently and he said, mama cooked egg and weans, momma cook eggs. He wants me to cook eggs for him. And we're just like, so enamored, it's like broken sentence that our one year old is saying not very politely asking me to cook him eggs. And I think that that is such a good insight that that's how the Lord looks at us as we grow. Even those very small, incremental steps. That is awesome. So we are, we have made you a word of the year piece of this year and that kind of relates to this whole theme. So share with us about what your word is for 2022 and how it is, what God is doing in your life right now.
Daisy Reese
So my word in three days, and usually are the ones that prayer and, you know, say like, God was the word for me. But like even before I asked him the word with this there, and I was like, what does this word even mean? And so I'm kind of nerdy. So I went in and looked up in the dictionary. The definition for system deem is compensating for the fault or bad aspects of something. It's the tone to make amends for past corporate performance or behavior that's from the internet. And then the biblical, it says deliverance from bondage, a ransom purchased back liberate rescue from captivity to regain possession of something, alienated to rescue or recover and to perform on has been promised. And I was like, wow, God. So then I looked up a couple of verses and I, I love some 1 38, which is one 30 verse eight. He will redeem Israel from all his inequities, which I felt like, man, like I have this spirit of inequity in me. I can't do anything which resulted in me getting the psychological evaluation. It said that I have ADHD. So I was like, wow. Okay. So that was an adjustment. So let me go back to God's word, Psalms one 19 verse 1 54 says plead my cause. And we deem me, gives me life according to your promise, which I feel is going to be my first for the year.
Jill Simons
Yeah. What a good one. Oh my goodness. What was the verse
Daisy Reese
One? 19 verse 1 54. It's a really long foam.
Jill Simons
That is a long song. Yes. Yeah. I am familiar with one 19, but I don't know if I've gone that far in depth into it. 1 54. Okay. Or 53, 1 0 54. Okay.
Daisy Reese
And then Psalm 34, 22 says the Lord, we deans the life of a servant. None of, none of those who take refuge in him will be condemned. So I was like, wow. So back to this whole ABC thing, I have dreams in my spirit since 2020, but I was going to start a business. I felt like it was a promise from God, because this is something that I've always wanted to do and the opportunity never presented itself. But now we're all at home and I'm online and I'm building this following. So I was like, man, like, this is the perfect opportunity. And then I did all the research and all the things and nothing happened. So I felt like man, this year was wasted. Everything is wasted. And then when I got my diagnosis, I started reading about what that entailed and how that analysis paralysis and hyper-focused type thing will get in the way. And the not knowing that, that there was an actual problem with what kept me from going forward. But now that I know now I can partner with Christ to work around or work through. This happened for a reason. So it's like, wow, okay. So we're going to redeem the broken dreams, the broken relationship, the broken foundation, the changing for better in him.
Jill Simons
And so as you walked through, when you first had your diagnosis, where was hope in the story for you?
Daisy Reese
I felt at that point, honestly, a little bit hopeless. I knew that God was in control, but I was like, I don't understand why, you know, my spirit is here and my hottest year, but my hope is here. Like it's not lining up, so what what's missing. And so to talk had, you know, people coming up it's really for you. And so I have people on my, for you pay saying like, oh, you know, if you struggle with this, it's like a trauma response. It was a coping mechanism. And I was like, okay, well what is this? And then I stumbled onto people who were like counselors and stuff. And then someone who was sharing about ATC and there were like, well, funny thing, are you, when you think, do you think in thoughts or do you think in pictures?
Jill Simons
Hm, I think, I think in thoughts.
Daisy Reese
Okay. I think in both ways, but in the picture thing, the thing that's different about ADHD people is that we think, and
Daisy Reese
So when I first started crossing back in 2011, I started learning to sell and I had no idea what I was doing, but I could look at a purse and break it down in my mind by the scene, flip it upside down, inside out and how it would go. And then I could replicate it. Wow. And so I was just like, oh, you want me to bring to this really weird, funny thing? It's something that I've always knew that my friend was different. I just didn't know that it had a word to it. So now that I know it's like, God is telling me like, Hey, you guys are different, but this is a gift. You can see things in a different way on purpose. There's something that I'm trying to show you. There's something that I'm trying to teach you so that you can show that. Also. I love it. The times when I speak with people, I speak with analogy to try to make things relatable. And it's like, well, maybe if it's fallen like that and it's like, nothing, like, see, see, there's a purpose for this mind that I gave you. It's not a curse. It's a gift. So it's like, wow. So now my hope is all the way over here.
Jill Simons
That's awesome. Cause I think that that is something that is really kind of the crux of the issue of trying to change and transform for a lot of people is they will be in something that feels like it is hopeless because there's not the correct mindset around what God is capable of in these situations. We find ourselves in, because I think so often things that, you know, your biology, like your brain is wired to work in this particular way. I have a son with autism who is same thing. Like there's biological reasons that he moves this way. And so often I'll be like, well, it's like, God can't do anything about that. Which you know, verbalized is like, obviously nonsensical, but we like will apply this to things just kind of by default. And we'll go through life with this sort of like limited view of God that really results in this hopelessness.
Daisy Reese
And I
Jill Simons
Think that's just the place where there's the greatest opportunity to renew our minds.
Daisy Reese
Yes, definitely. This past Sunday, our pastor was talking about how sometimes we go through life, having God in limitations because of our relationship with him. And it says that sometimes we limit God because of the way that we see our parents. So if our parents were too busy because they have to work or whatever, sometimes we think like, well maybe God's too busy. And so relationally, it affects us. So this morning when I was in the shower thinking like, you know, what am I going to say? I want to say something kind of smart or something that will kind of make sense of someone. And I came on this thing that sometimes we see, or we have this relationship with God, he's the boss. He is, he's in charge. He's he's, he's on the throne and we know who he is and we know what he can do.
Daisy Reese
And we're fearful of him. And we just kind of do the things, but we fail sometimes to see him like really see him and feel him as a father, we don't come to like, you know, you can go to your boss and be like, Hey man, like I need to have the weekend off, but you don't come and say like, I, I am so tired. Like I need a break. Like we don't go to our boss and talk like that. Right. But we can't do that with God. He's not just our boss. He's a father, he's our daddy. And we can rest in his arms and we can ask him for anything.
Jill Simons
It's that older brother Sintra symptom. It's the syndrome from the prodigal son, you know, because there's, you know, a lot of us have been the protocols done at some point in our lives. But I think so many of us that are down the road a little bit with the Lord ended up being like the older brother where we're kind of like servants of God in our minds. And it is so much more like an employee employer kind of relationship like you're talking about.
Daisy Reese
Yeah. So we, once I think once we break free of that, not only am I working for you, you're working with me. So that mindset shift that renewing of the story of I'm not just here to work. He came here to gave me life more abundance. He didn't come to condemn, but he came to save me and to rescue me and not just to like save me, but to give me a 40, we have the holy spirit dwelling in us that seems through the Rose Cross from the grave lives in us. And I feel like that's kind of a, a missing piece. You know, when we come to salvation, we come and we ask these as in and we ask the holy spirit in and we're not realizing is that we're having that authority inviting into us. And sometimes we go through fear, like what if we do something wrong? Or what if, what if, what if, what if, and it's like, wait a minute, I have authority here. I can shift this mind from men. Like, I'm sad. I need to shop to distract me too. I have the authority to call on Christ right now to take these thoughts, captive and ask what he wants me to do. What am I going to learn in this moment? What can I do with this feeling? Who can I connect with?
Jill Simons
Yeah. And to really embrace that, w you know, what, what the father says to the older son where he says everything I have is yours. And this is something that I really did not have a renewed mind about until I I'm in ministry school right now. And I started school in the fall. And so much of the first semester was about this, about like who we are in relationship to God and this daughter relationship. And this authority that's been given us by Christ and everything. And all of these things were just, so it was like, they were new ideas to me. But then when I went to word, I was like, well, I've been reading this, like, this is clearly here. Like, where did I miss this along the road? Like that, I'm kind of embarrassed at my reading comprehension right now. But I think that that absolutely is a missing piece because we go, we go into interaction with God. So often with this, like pleading, like this scarcity kind of like, you know, what can I do to kind of tip the scales here, Lord, like, I know that this is a big thing to ask kind of just out of this, just poverty in our minds.
Daisy Reese
Yeah, definitely. And you know what, speaking about reading comprehension, I serve the youth ministry at my church and I was just there last night. And during our prayer time before service started, one of the leaders was like, you know what? He's like, who here has ever read the verse. This is where two or more gathered, you know, God is among them. And it's like, well, yeah. And they're like, how many here have the holy spirit? And it's like, well, all of us do. They're like, well, when you pray by yourself, the holy spirit who intercedes for you is also praying with you. So now two of you are gathered. So obviously if you pray for something, that's not going to align with God, the holy spirit is not going to be in agreeance with you. But when you pray for something, that's like, God, how can I serve? You think, yes, the holy spirit is also praying with you. So God is there in those prayers.
Jill Simons
That's awesome. And especially when we pray for the fruits then of the holy spirit, because that's so often like the cry of so many people's hearts and they just want peace. They want more joy in their lives. They want more, self-control all of these things that really enter into just being a more faithful witness of Christ, being more Christ-like in our lives. These are things that a lot of people are kind of like, well, how do I get this? And oh, you know, how do I triangulate my life to kind of set it up so that these things happen kind of like, we're trying to like touch the rays of the sun through the prism at the right times. Like make the rainbow happen sort of thing when we could just be like, really, you know, like, please pour out your piece on me right now. I really feel like I don't have it. And I know that you have it for me and to, and to go with that faith, because we also see that throughout the gospel so much as well, but it's like the faith that believing God is going to provide these things is so often a part of the process of him providing them.
Daisy Reese
Yeah, absolutely.
Jill Simons
I loved the story of the hemorrhaging woman that like just touches his guard, you know, touches his garment.
Daisy Reese
Oh my God. Yes. I love that story. And if somebody once told me you have that him face, I was like the, what the him face, you know, the woman that just believes if she touched the hem, I was like, yeah, yeah, I do. When I believe God, for something like, there's nothing that happen. People can save it. They can do that. Will meet me, stop bleeding because it's like, no, God said it. And if he said that he he's going to do it and might not be now and then might not look the way that I think is going to look, but it's coming up and yeah, I'm just waiting for it.
Jill Simons
I love that. I love that so much. I think of that. So often when I'm praying for healing for people, when you go, just because you can go into it, this total trust that like, well, God could heal them right now. God could heal them through doctors in time, or God could heal them when he invites them into heaven at the end of time. But like, there's no outcome here where they don't get healed. And so like, you know, it's not necessarily going to be on my timetable, but I can go into praying for this healing, for them knowing that it's going to happen. And I think that that's something that people can be fearful about, praying for things like that, because they're like, well, what if he doesn't really want to, you know, what if he doesn't want to, like, what if it's, you know, gonna build up hope in a situation where there's, you know, the person might actually pass away or something. And it's like, well, if they just bought option three, you know, they're, they're now invited into heaven and been healed of their infirmities. And we don't always understand that, but we always can be steadfast in that faith. I love this phrase, hem, faith. I, I feel like I'm going to have to put that on a product now.
Jill Simons
That is awesome.
Daisy Reese
Well, they feel like that the him faith is important to believe that he can. And then the, also the face of this centaurian no that he will, but he's the authority to like, just you say the word God, and it's going to happen. Like you don't have to come in and do it. Like you're going to do it.
Jill Simons
Yeah. That is so interesting. Cause that is like one of the only places I don't remember the exact verb in the Bible, but where Jesus is essentially like surprised that the Centurion like gets it, like, you know, he knows that the Lord can say, oh, you know, do this to the holy spirit. And it will happen just the same way that this interaction has people under him. And Jesus is like, nobody else has got that. Like, that is awesome. I think that, that is so beautiful when like, like the phrase is like game recognizes game. It's just like, I understand I have power in this world. So I understand how that works and I recognize it in you. And I just think that that's something that we forget about is just that the limitlessness of the power of God, because it can be so easy to be distracted by the like parlor tricks kind of stuff, distractions of the enemy. You had your fair share this morning and you were sharing with me about outlets, not working and you know, things like that. And ultimately it's just kind of a distraction. Yeah,
Daisy Reese
Definitely. We just got to stay focused. Yeah,
Jill Simons
Absolutely. Well, Daisy, it's been such a pleasure to talk with you today. Thank you so much for being on the show with me, share with us your tick-tock handle. I'll put it in the show notes also, but for those listening, where can they find you on Tik TOK?
Daisy Reese
Does it
Jill Simons
Have the at the beginning or is it just praying? I think it's just praying
Daisy Reese
It is the prime member, but sorry. That's my, my, where I create content is theprayingmamabear. And then there's the one account that I started from my business, but I never really did anything with, but there's things on there too, but
Jill Simons
Okay. Sounds good. Yeah. So we'll put links in the, in the show notes. So check her out, follow her on to talk if you don't already. And I hope that you have a beautiful, beautiful rest of your day today, know that we're praying for you and know that the Lord has the power to transform whatever you're walking through in your life. Right now, he has more than enough for you. And he has more than enough time grace space, power, whatever it is you need to partner with you to help bring about what it is your heart is aching for. Thank you so much for joining me on today's episode of the authentic uprising podcast. If you're watching on YouTube or listening on a podcast app, make sure that you hit subscribe so that you can get all of our updates automatically in your app on YouTube.
Jill Simons
And we also ask that you leave us a review or comment. If you're in a podcast app, leave us a review that helps us get seen by more people and on YouTube, leave us a comment, let us know what you loved from the episode and send it on to a friend. I am sure that you know, someone who really needs the message in this podcast from today. I also encourage you to check out pink salts riots. That is my company that sponsors this podcast. We have an incredible online shop full of all kinds of beautiful and unique Christian lifestyle goods. You can shop our whole line at pink, salt, riot.com. I'll see you next week.
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